year 4 | chapter 8

Start from the beginning

"Are you messing with me?" I asked doubtfully.

"Not at all," Cedric replied. "The way he's looking at you..." he shook his head, "like you're the most beautiful thing he's ever seen." 

I followed his gaze to see Ron and one of the Patil sisters sitting down at a table. They were the only ones not dancing, and she looked incredibly upset. Ron was staring at me, though, with what can only be described as literal heart eyes. 

He caught my gaze and immediately looked away with a scowl, crossing his arms and slouching his posture. I rolled my eyes and turned to Hermione who was dancing happily with Krum next to us. She looked like she was having an amazing time. Viktor bent down and kissed her hand. 

"Would you like a drink too?" Viktor asked with an accent that could make me swoon, turning to look at me instead of Hermione.

"Yes, that would be lovely," I replied.

"I'll go get us some," Cedric said, kissing my hand before following after Krum. 

Hermione and I turned to each other and did a giddy laugh with huge smiles. Hermione did a little spin out of excitement, and I was incredibly happy for her. 

"Should we check on Harry?" Hermione suggested, pointing to him now sitting next to Ron. 

"Okay," I nodded and we made our way over to their table.

"Hot, isn't it?" Hermione said, sitting beside Harry. 

"Viktor and Cedric have gone to go and get drinks. Would you care to join us?" I invited, sitting across from Ron at a nearby table. 

"No, we'd not care to join you and Cedric," Ron said, looking at me with a death glare. 

"What's got your wand in a knot?" Hermione asked him, annoyed. 

"He's Harry's competition. You're fraternizing with the enemy," Ron answered, glaring at me. 

"The enemy?" I repeated with a scoff. 

"Besides, the whole point of the tournament is international magical make friends," Hermione added. 

"I think he's got a bit more than friendship on his mind," Ron scoffed. I scoffed too before standing up and walking out of the hall where the drinks were, and Hermione followed me. 

"You know he's just jealous, right?" Hermione told me. "Don't let him get to you, okay?" Hermione said, touching my arm comfortingly.

"Why didn't he just bloody ask me then?" I scoffed, crossing my arms. 

"Because he's Ron. He's stupid and oblivious," she replied. 

"Yeah, if he can't see what an amazing girl you are, it's his loss really," Cedric said, appearing beside Hermione with Viktor and drinks. I took one from him with a small smile before taking a drink. 

"Somebody definitely spiked this," I said, tasting the alcohol.

"Definitely," Cedric agreed with a small laugh. The four of us talked and drank for a while before returning to the dance floor. After more dancing, Cedric decided to head back to his room with his friends. He kissed my hand goodbye at the entrance before disappearing. My feet were tired, so I sat on the steps outside the hall when Ron walked in front of me. 

"He's using you to get to Harry," Ron scoffed.

"Harry has already helped him!" I scoffed.

"So? He surely wants more. There can only be one winner," Ron rolled his eyes. "He's way too old for you anyway." 

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