year 4 | chapter 7

Start from the beginning

We continued waltzing until McGonagall dismissed us.

"So?" Hermione nudged me as we walked out.

"We just danced, Hermione," I sighed. "That's all."

"He didn't drop his hand to your bum or anything?" Hermione asked.

"Hermione!" I scolded her, causing her to laugh.

"Do you think he's gonna ask you to the ball?" Hermione asked.

"I hope so," I said in a dreamy voice. "I mean," I cleared my throat, "I wouldn't mind."

"You so fancy him, Harper, you don't have to hide it," Hermione replied.

"I know, but I doubt he'll ask me."

"He better. He almost kissed you! You guys cuddle all the time! You basically professed your love for each other the other day!"

"We didn—" I started.

"Rubbish," Hermione interrupted. "If he doesn't ask you, I'll murder him myself."

"Who do you want to go with Hermione?" I asked.

"I've already been asked," she smirked.

"Who?!" I practically screeched.

"Shh!" Hermione laughed. "Krum asked me."

"KRUM?!" I yelled.

"Shhhh!" Hermione said more aggressively this time. "Yes, Krum asked me."

"I knew he had a thing for you," I smirked. "You two are gonna be like the hottest couple there."

Hermione laughed. "Sure," she said.

For the next few weeks, everyone was abuzz trying to find a date to the ball, and I still hadn't been asked.

"Why do they have to travel in packs?" Harry whispered as we walked across the courtyard.

"Travel in packs?" I repeat. "Like we're animals?"

"And how are you supposed to get one on their own to ask them?" Harry continued, ignoring me.

The three of us stopped in front of a group of Ravenclaw girls who all went quiet when Harry approached. I noticed Cho smiling at Harry, but the others gave more of a disapproving glare.

Harry took a deep breath and decided to keep walking, Ron and I following.

"Blimey, Harry. You slay dragons. If you can't get a date, who can?" Ron scoffed.

"I think I'd take the dragon right now," Harry shook his head.

"You boys are unbelievable, you just have to ask nicely," I shrugged.

"Oh yeah? Then you go ask someone," Harry scoffed.

"Maybe, I will," I smiled, shifting my books in my arms. They both looked at me expectantly.

"Not right now!" I clarified, walking away. The boys followed, looking around at girls to ask, but only receiving weird glances or girls turning away from them.

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