Chapter 11

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Everything was dark this time... and they kept it that way. Her room was warm, it was a sauna in there. Elwin claimed it was to help her wake up quicker than she did in the past, and her heart was seriously having some issues. According to Elwin, it's almost like she had been heart broken and her heart was struggling to recover.

Fitz blamed himself, of course, because he knew he had something to do with everything that was going on. He also wasn't aloud to see Sophie, just in case she woke up.

In Sophie's mind, there were little shatters. There was a hall of pedestals and statues of the people she loves. Her parents, her friends, the collective. But at the dark end of the hall, three of the statues had cracks forming it them.

Fitz, Keefe, and Elwin.

Elwin's statue was what Sophie saw of him. The gratitude the emulated off of his pedestal was immense. The statue was newly cracked from the base and they haven't spread yet, but they definitely made him look worn down.

Fitz's statue was a whole different story. There were large cracks covering his face and body. The largest of them all was his heart and eyes. The two things that Sophie loved most. It was as if looking at him was painful for her.

Keefe's was interesting. His name was on the floor, but he was hidden behind a drape. A peak behind that curtain revealed that he was almost in perfect condition. His radiant ice blue eyes glowed like a beacon that drew Sophie in. Maybe that is why her mind needed to cover it.


"Is everything okay?" A faint voice asked in the distant. It seemed to come from the outside hallway. She sounded worried.

"I think so... her heart is struggling to keep up. It's almost as if she was punched in the chest and she's having a hard time recovering." The male voice said.

"Is there anything we can do? Is she in the best possible care right now?" Another male voice asked. He had a deep and husky voice, but it wavered with tears as the faint voice sounded like she was crying.

"I've been talking to Livvy about other possible treatments, but the best thing we can say is that it's a mental battle for her. But if her mind truly is broken..."

The faint voice chocked down a sobbed.

"Then it isn't safe for anyone to enter into her mind right now."

"Even Fitz?" The husky voice asked.

"Even Fitz" the male voice confirmed. He sounded defeated. Maybe she wasn't fixable.

Sophies eyes burst open. She started coughing and hacking.

Her parents and Elwin burst into the room. Elwin went straight to her to figure out what's going on.

"What's happening?" Grady asked all panicky.

"I'm not sure." Elwin answered. "Give me a minute."

He dug through his bag until he found a milky white elixir. "This should do it." He announced.

He put the vial up to her lips, as Edaline helped to tip her head back, letting her swallow. Sophie immediately stilled. Her eyes groggily scanning the room. Edaline held her hand in a death grip.

"I'm sorry.... coughing... sedative.... don't worry..." Elwin's voice went in and out.

Sophie scanned the room one more time before she closed her eyes in defeat.


Okay, If I'm being honest, I'm making this story up as I go. I have a rough idea for where it's going, but a lot is coming from my imagination. I feel bad making Sophie struggle like this, but it serves a purpose I PROMISE. Just trust the author okay? ;)

Sophitz: "I Want It To Be You"Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant