Chapter 6

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The world didn't feel right. Everything felt off. She couldn't remember certain details and her consciousness was going in and out. It wasn't until later that Sophie would figure out why.

"Sophie... Sophie!" A voice begged. Sophie had no idea who said it and why. She wasn't sure what was going on at that point.

"What are we going to do?" The same voice said farther away. "I can't lose another daughter." The voice sounded like it had been crying. Sophie wondered why.

"I know it will be hard..." Another voice said. "But we got through it once, we'll get through it again." The voice said. It was trying to be comforting. 

"We won't get through this!" The first voice practically shouted. "Losing Jolie was awful, but Sophie? I don't know if I'll be able to survive this." It said.

"Edaline... what else can we do? She hasn't woken up in over two weeks now. I'm starting to lose hope." The voice said again.

Edaline? Who is Edaline? What was happening?

Sophie had been unconscious two weeks now with her vitals slowly dropping. She hadn't moved much, except for the slow rising and falling of her chest. After taking the sedative weeks ago, Sophie was carried upstairs and put to bed. She had only woken up once since, and no one knew why.

"I guess you're right Grady." The voice called Edaline painfully admitted. "Maybe... It's time we... let go." She said slowly.

"I think we might have to." Grady said. "Her vitals are dropping everyday, it's only a matter of time before she..." Grady paused. As if it was letting her fill in the blank.

Edaline burst into tears. She ran out the door and down to her room on the second floor. Grady followed after her quickly. 

It was then that Sophie's consciousness came back for the first time in weeks. 

Suddenly everything came rushing back. Grady and Edaline were her parents! To Sophie, everything seemed the same.

Sophie didn't have the strength to open her eyes. It had been to long. Her voice didn't feel usable either. But she had to make a noise, show a sign that she was there.

Sophie's eyelashes fluttered. Only slightly. 

She waited. One... Two... Three... Seconds. Nothing.

No one was there.

No one thought she was still going to make it.

She had to open her eyes, that was the only way.

Her eyelashes fluttered and then her eyelids twitched.

She cracked through the distance between light and darkness to find herself in a mostly dark room, with nothing but the curtains cracked. She was in her room. It looked like it hadn't changed in weeks. There was no life in sight.

Sophie peered around her dark room. There was no one. It was as if, she had been abandoned and left to die. Because she had.

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