Chapter 4

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Her mind felt strangely calm. Sophie was content to stay in her nook forever. It was then that she remembered her family and her responsibilities. She couldn't just leave them everything behind. Not when she had gotten this far. Sophie awoke to the sound of arguing. She wasn't ready to open her eyes yet but she could hear her dad and someone else she couldn't put her finger on yet.

"What did you do? Do you have any idea of how much this could affect her?" Grady practically shouted.

"I'm sorry! I was just frustrated and I transmitted a little too loud and she doubled over, I don't know what happened!" The other voice said. They sounded genuinely concerned.

"Grady I know you want to be mad. We all have the right to worry right now. But we can't blame Fitz. We don't know all what happened yet." Edaline said in a worried yet calm voice. 

Fitz that was the voice she was hearing. Sophie decided now was a good time to let everyone know she was awake. She groaned and opened her eyes. Immediately she recognized the celling. She was laying on a cot in the healing center. 

Sophie tried to sit up, but Elwin who was apparently standing right next to her, pushed her back down.

"Nope, not yet. Give me a minute to see if you are ready for this conversation." Elwin said.

"Why? What happened?" Sophie immediately started panicking. 

"That is something we'll discuss if I decide that you are up for it." Elwin said as he flashed various colored lights around her head. 

Sophie used that time to look around the room. Her parents were standing on both sides of the cot looking mildly concerned. Behind them by the door was Fitz, Biana and their parents who were talking to Tiergan. He was probably called after she fell. 

After about a minute or so, Elwin sighed.

"You blacked out after talking to Fitz." Elwin started. "We aren't sure why yet, but we'll figure this out." Elwin finished.

It was then that the group behind Grady and Edaline walked over. 

"I got the story from Fitz but I need to see your point of view." Tiergan said.

"Sure. Nothing really happened though. Fitz and I were having a conversation and I blacked out." Sophie said.

Fitz stood behind everyone looking guilty. He was about to transmit an apology, but Tiergan stopped him.

"I don't want any telepathic conversations until we can figure this out. Is that understood?" Tiergan waiting for both Sophie and Fitz to nod.

"Can you replay what happened Sophie?" Tiergan asked.

"Is it okay if I watch what you show him?" Alden quickly added.

"Yeah, go ahead." Sophie responded.

Sophie showed them both what had happened. Starting from walking over to talk to her group of friends, to the feeling of her knees collapsing and everything turning black.

They both pulled away. Alden walked over to his son and pulled him into the hall to talk. Tiergan began pacing back and forth in the Healing Center.

About a minute later Alden and Fitz rejoined the group.

"Sorry about that. My son and I needed to have a word." Alden stated, glaring at Fitz.

"Okay, I'm going to do some research. I'll hail you all tomorrow." Tiergan said as he pulled out his crystal and leaped away.

"Our celebration dinner is postponed to tomorrow night. We'll see you then." Alden said. He pulled out his path finder, rotated it, and the family formed into a chain, leaping away together. 

From there, Elwin gave her medicines to take and went over the instructions of using them.

Grady helped her stand up and they leaped back to Havenfield together.


Okay. I'm going to post what I have of this story. I promise I'll update when I can. I hope you enjoyed this!


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