Chapter 14

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Fitz entered her mind slow with caution. As soon as he entered he felt a pause. Like her mind stilled to stare at him. He felt for the pull of a broken mind but she seemed to be watching him, like she couldn't let go and missed him? The sensation was so surreal. 

Her mind lit up a path towards the left, she was leading him somewhere. He could feel his dad behind him trailing. Their minds were still connected but he was looking for cracks and signs. 

Fitz wandered down the path. Memories popped up, he saw faces that he recognized like Edaline, Grady, and Dex. But he struggled to find himself, Elwin and Keefe.

The lit path seemed to go on forever, but a small corridor was blocked off. Boarded and sealed. Fitz turned to look for his dad but he couldn't see him. He could still feel his presence though so Fitz decided to enter that door.

He managed to open the door and enter. An elegant hall of statues on pedestals.

Fitz looked at each one. All were pristine and clean, her mind kept them that way. But at the end were three statues that were different from the rest. 

The one that stood out to Fitz was his own.

The cracks were now consuming the stone. Fitz reached up to touch it, but before he could he felt someone shaking his shoulders from the outside world. 

Fitz frantically pulled him and his dad up to the surface, afraid of losing him in her vast mind. He heard shouting and realized that he was being shaken rapidly. He opened his eyes to see Tiergan's dark blue eyes looking at him.

He looked around for his dad. Alden stood there looking just as shocked as Fitz felt. Elwin was looking him over.

"What happened?" Fitz asked.

"Once you two entered, I figured I couldn't just leave you both in a potentially broken mind, so I watched from a distance. Alden was fine, he was exploring by himself." Tiergan answered.

"So then what happened to me?" Fitz asked.

"Sophie was leading you into a trap Fitz." He said quietly.

Fitz just stood there for a solid second.

"Wait... what? How?" He started asking. He didn't understand why she would do that.

"I was watching as she lit up the path and separated you from Alden. What I failed to realize is that she brought you to her Hall of Verity." Tiergan began explaining.

"What's the Hall of Verity?" Fitz asked.

"In a mind, it's where the people you know and remember are put. The minds opinion, image, memory, and emotional standpoint of them is displayed along with anything they have been hurt by as a result of that person." Alden said.

"Your 'statue' shows how Sophie feels about you at the moment. Did you notice how yours was cracked and almost falling apart?" Tiergan finished.

Fitz nodded.

"She has almost forgotten about you." Tiergan said.

"You also failed to realize when you were wondering down that hallway, that you were standing on a bridge above the blackhole that is her mind." Tiergan continued.

"You reached out to touch the 'statue' and would've fallen over and gotten lost forever. Your 'statue' was at the very end of the hall. It was the only one that stood by itself without one to the right or left of it. She isolated it Fitz, it was a trap." "It also confirms that her mind is breaking. The Hall of Verity normally is suspended in the air, but only a broken mind would have the cracks along the walls and a blackhole at the bottom." Tiergan concluded.

"You didn't notice that either did you?" He asked.

Fitz shook his head.

"But why would she do that? Does she hate me suddenly?" Fitz asked. He began to tear up. Why would she want to drag him into a trap and leave him trapped in darkness?

"It's hard to say... maybe it's easier for her to forget or you were threatening her with your presence?" Alden suggested.




While they discussed possible theory's, they all made one grave mistake. They forgot that Sophie could hear what they were saying. Every. Single. Word...

She was resting in the silence, but the sound of voices brought her near to the surface again.

Sophies POV

Sophie heard voices outside of the spiral of darkness she was going down.

Two of them were fine. She recognized Tiergan and Alden. It had been awhile since she heard their voices. She couldn't express how much she missed them.

The other two were unfamiliar.

A similar voice to Alden with a crisp British accent. Her brain ached to recall that voice.

The other she could somewhat remember. She looked around the Hall of Verity. Elwin maybe? It was hard to tell.

Sophie wanted to surface and tell the voices she was there and was alive but she was trapped. 

She brought up her memories so they floated around her. She frantically ran around them, trying to find anything that would free her from this trap.

A memory of Tiergan became apparent.

He was explaining Prentice's broken mind to her in LA on a bench. Sophie's photographic memory could recall the fear she was feeling and the confusion. But it didn't help.

Another memory was one of Alden telling her never to enter Prentice's mind when they were in Exile.

Sophie tried to replay them, hoping they would give her some sort of sign. Tell her what to do. 

But her mind erased the memories. Threw them into the black hole, without any hope of recovery.

Sophie tried to scream.

Show any signs of life. 

She started breathing rapidly.

Elwin saw her signs of distress.

He muttered colorful swears that would've gotten him in trouble.

"We've been talking this whole time. She knows we're here." He said in the distance.

"Sophie, I need you to try to wake up. Open your eyes." He instructed her.

She ran towards the light, crawling her way ever so slowly...

"Fitz, read her thoughts. Now!" Elwin commanded.

He rushed to her and put his hands on her temples. Entering her mind just as Sophie screamed.

"HELP!" Before she was dragged back into the prison that was her mind.

Sophitz: "I Want It To Be You"حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن