Chapter 10

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This time, when Sophie was brought back up to her room, they left her alone. Except for the daily Elwin check-up to check her vitals and make sure she was still breathing. Her parents weren't sure at this point. Sophie remained there.

Everyone wondered how her mind could be broken and she could be awake at the same time. Were the cracks too new that they hadn't dragged her under yet?

The next time Sophie would wake up, there would be no mention of Fitz or Keefe.

That's what happened a week later, when Sophie woke up again.

She bolted awake in her bed, this time she was full of energy. Sandor walked in and did what was discussed, he brought her downstairs and found her parents and Elwin.

"Sophie! Good morning sweetheart!" Edaline said.

They had discussed to try to keep everything as normal as possible. See what memories were on the edge of fading and at all costs, avoid the dangerous topics. That meant any memories that could remind Sophie of Fitz or Keefe.

"Hey mom.." Sophie said in a quiet voice. "What's going on..?"

Grady answered this time. "Just having Elwin over for lunch." In reality, Elwin was there to keep a close eye on Sophie. He was staying on the couch just in case Sophie had another episode.

"Do you want anything to eat..?" Edaline asked tentatively.

Sophie hadn't eaten anything in over a week. She had been lying still. All sweaty, and with a clammy face. Like her body was fighting against itself. Maybe it was.

"No, I'm not hungry right now." Sophie answered after a moment of thought.

"I really think you should eat something Sophie, your body demands it." Elwin added gently.

"NO!" Sophie raised her voice. "I mean... no, I'm not hungry right now. Thank you." She wasn't sure what was going on. Everyone looked shocked.

Why did I just shout? I'm starving right now. Why am I so tired too. What is going on?!?

All the adults just stared at her. Elwin was first to see her internal panic rising. She could hear the worried calls of her name as Sophie started to breath heavy and almost hyperventilate. Dizziness was quickly approaching and Sophie looked up from the floor in desperation. The look of genuine fear that was in her eyes was enough to get Elwin and Grady off the couch.

She stubbled, and they caught her as she leaned on them. Like her life depended on it.

"Woah, easy there." Elwin said in a soft and gentle voice. "You're okay... just trust me okay?"

Her head rocked again. Her skull felt a crushing weight as she completely gave up. Just like that... Sophie blacked out.


Okay... So this is my first chapter back into the swing of writing. Between the last 9 chapters and now, I have been taking an AP class that requires A LOT of writing. I heard from some of you lovely people in the comments that you want an update. And I'm sorry to say this, but I no longer ship Sophitz... I'm sorry if that disappoints anyone, but SellarLune opened my eyes to the Sokeefe fandom and I'm forever changed. Anyway, this is the new update. I can't promise regular update, because as before mentioned, AP class. But I will promise that I will finish this story eventually and you will get your happy Sophitz ending.


Sophitz: "I Want It To Be You"Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum