7 - Puzzle Territory

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Kel... didn't really know what to think about Sans.

Flowey obviously hated him (Kel hadn't asked about the whole snail thing; she figured it would be best just to leave it be), but even it had a hard time explaining what had just happened. How he'd just kind of... given up. Run away.

It was weird, especially for someone who was supposedly royalty. And then... he'd given her his cloak, too. "gets cold out here", he said. And Frisk... Frisk was alive? He talked to them?

Or was that... was it all a lie, to get her to trust him? But then... he hadn't exactly stuck around long enough for her to reconsider. He'd just... fled. Randomly.

Well, no matter what, at least one thing he'd said was true. It was cold. Freezing, actually, and it got even colder the farther Kel and Flowey went into the frosted forest. Her normal clothes would've been no match for the weather, but Sans's cloak was heavy and warm, and the hood draped comfortably over her face. Despite any misgivings she might have about the skeleton, she'd been forced to wear it. She was certain she would've frozen to death without it.

And it was good for other things, too. The two snowy monsters they'd met so far on the path had shied nervously away from them, no doubt recognizing the violet cape as a symbol of the Royal Guard. They'd asked no questions, raised no alarms. Nobody, apparently, wanted to mess with the Royal Guards.

It made Kel wonder what else Asriel used his Guards for, besides catching humans. Did he have them policing the common people, frightening them out of trouble? Out of rebellion?

And Sans controls them all...

And yet... despite the darkness, despite the power, Kel couldn't help feeling like maybe Sans wasn't completely evil. He was dangerous, yes. But evil?

She guessed she'd have to see.

"Hey, punk!"

The voice echoed suddenly down the icy path, and Kel jolted, fear freezing her already frozen veins. She felt Flowey tense beside her, but despite the urge to run, she forced herself to keep walking at a normal pace. The last thing she needed to do was look suspicious, and that awkward jolt alone had done some damage. Though the voice probably hadn't been calling her, anyways. Probably just yelling at one of those snow creatures...

"Hey, you, in the purple cloak!"

Footsteps were running at her now, crunching loudly from behind. 

Okay, so, maybe not the snow creatures. Kel stopped this time. Panic was thumping loudly in her chest.

What could she do?

"Hold still," Flowey hissed. Kel felt vines moving rapidly across her face, hundreds of them. They criss-crossed the surface, sealing off the skin. The hair. Growing along her nose, around her eyes. Around her neck.

Kel turned just as the footsteps slowed to a stop, her face concealed in a mask of glowing blue.

There was a Royal Guard behind her, of course. Nobody but a Royal Guard would dare mess with a Royal Guard. Kel recognized the purple uniform immediately, though the cape was secured with an ordinary brass pin and the belt was black leather. She also recognized the air of power and control that seemed to fly along with it; it was probably a dress requirement. Like Sans and Mettaton, this Guard was taller than Kel - why did they all have to be so tall, though?? - and displaying a pair of muscular arms, though that didn't frighten Kel. 

What frightened Kel was the monster's face. Her skin was blue, sky blue, and her head would've been almost human-like if it wasn't for the finned fish ears and the dark slits where her nose should've been. Her eyes were cat-like, shining bright yellow, and the glare on her face displayed a mouthful of incredibly sharp, jagged teeth. Her hood was back, exposing a mane of red hair several shades brighter than Kel could ever hope to see in hers.

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