3 - Flower Business

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The blue lights swirled slowly around the slumped bodies, flickering slightly as if made from something ethereal and unreal. It was Kel's turn to stumble back, and she did so, back until her hands collided with the rough wood of the picnic table.

What the...

Who was doing this? Was it magic?

Kel looked wildly around until her eyes latched on one of the vases across the hall. 

This vase was... different, from the others. Its flower was glowing, bright blue. 

And its flower had a face.

"Greetings," said the flower with the face, smiling.

The blue lights slowly faded into nonexistence, but the monsters continued to slumber, as if the particles had been pieces of the world's greatest sleeping pill.

"Oh... hi." Kel straightened herself, suddenly realizing she'd been leaning against the picnic table. She wiped sweat off her face, then leaned down and picked up the checkered tablecloth, throwing it back over its table. The flower watched her curiously; she could feel its strange blue gaze piercing her head, but she made sure the cloth was completely straight and even before turning back. 

Best to leave things as she'd found them.

"I," the flower said importantly, once it had her complete attention, "am Flowey."

Well, it wasn't the strangest thing she'd ever seen, not anymore. And Kel quickly recovered from the shock.

"You did that?" she guessed, gesturing to the sleeping monsters.

The flower's eyes flicked briefly over. "Yes."

"Huh." She wasn't sure if that was or wasn't a good thing. "Well, thanks."

The flower's smile widened. "Oh, do not thank me now. You will have plenty to thank me for later, when I free you from this prison."

Kel blinked, mind doing cartwheels around her skull. "Wait. You're going to... help me?"

"If you will allow me to, yes."

What a strange way of putting things.

"Why?" Kel asked, suspicious.

In response, the flower shrank suddenly down into the vase, vanishing with a slight pop.


"Behind you," the flower said conversationally.

Kel whirled around, nearly tripping over her own feet. There, on the picnic table, sprouting up through the tablecloth, was the bright blue flower. Kel suddenly felt incredibly dizzy.

"If I will be entirely honest," Flowey continued, as if nothing had happened, "I am not the biggest fan of King Asriel. Nor am I the biggest fan of his child-catching tendencies. It would give me... the greatest pleasure, to see his pursuits thwarted."

"King Asriel?" Did that name sound familiar? She couldn't remember.

"The ruler of the Underground, child," the flower explained patiently. "Or, as I should say, the tyrant of the Underground. His only wish is to catch you and store you in his freezing chambers, so he can drain the life from your soul over time. I have seen it happen to countless children," it added, "and if I do not intervene, it shall undoubtedly happen again."

Kel stared at it.

Freezing chambers? Souls?

Is that what happened to Frisk??

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