Deal with Ursula

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Tyson's POV

"Flounder, why can't you just tell me what this is all about?" Ariel asks as we entered the cave.

"You'll see. It's a surprise" Flouder tells her. We enter the main room and see a statue of Eric. Ariel gasps in shock and give Flounder a hug.

"Oh, Flounder- Flounder you're the best!" she tells him. Before letting go and swimming over to the statue. "It looks just like him. It even has his eyes" she states with a broad smile. I smile happy my sister is happy. She starts to talk to the statue while I swim over to the piano. "Daddy!" she exclaims and I turn to see dad. And he looks mad.

"I consider myself a reasonable merman. I set certain rules, and I expect those rules to be obeyed" he tells us.

"But father..." I try o reason with him.

"Is it true you rescued two humans from drowning?" he demands.

"We had too" we tell him.

"Contact between the human world and the mer-world is strictly forbidden. Ariel, Tyson you know that. Everyone knows that" dad states.

"They would of died" Ariel tells him.

"Two less humans to worry about!" he shouts.

"You don't even know them" I tell him.

"Know them? I don't have to know them. They're all the same. Spineless, savage, harpooning, fish-eaters, incapable of any feeling" he rants.

"Daddy, I love him!" Ariel exclaims. She then covers her mouth as I swam in front of her.

"No . . . Have you lost your senses completely? He's a human, you're a mermaid!" dad reminds her angrily.

"I don't care" she states.

"So help me Ariel, I am going to get through to you. And if this is the only way, so be it" he says as his trident starts to glow.

"Father, no!" I shout and swim to go stop him. As eh starts to destroy Ariel's artifacts "Stop this!" I shout as I tried to grab the trident away from him. But he pushes me away.

"No, please- Daddy, stop!" Ariel shouts swimming over to him. As he looks at the statue. "Daddy, Nooo!" she cries. But he does it anyway, he destroys the statue. Ariel begins crying over the statue and he leaves.

"Ariel!" I shout and swim over wrapping my arms around her.

"Ariel, I..." Sebastian tries to say.

"Just go away" Ariel cries. Sebastian and Flounder leave. As I comfort my little twin sister. "Why? Why?" she cries.

"Humans took our mother away" I remind her. "But don't worry I'll talk to him" I assure her. Just then two eels appeared.

"Poor girl" one says.

"Poor, sweet girl" the other says.

"She has a very serious problem, along with the boy" the first says.

"If only there were something we could do" the second states.

"But there is something" the first tells him.

"Who are you?" Ariel and I ask them.

"We represent someone who can help you both" the first one tells us.

"Someone who could make all your dreams come true" the second states.

"Just imagine" they say together.

"You and your prince" the second states looking at Ariel.

"You and your princess" the first says looking at me.

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