°Childe x Reader°

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Title:A Game
High school/Modern AU.

This chapter was inspired by Not Another Song About Love(funfact that song sums up how I feel about Childe lol)

I apologize if this doesn't make sense,I wrote it at 1am and I don't feel like reading it all again :')

This is fine. This is completely fine. It's no big deal.
I thought as I stood infront of none other than Childe [Ajax] Tartaglia himself,and he was being a blushing mess.

This boy asked me out on a date and now he is waiting for my response.

How could THE Childe... THE prettiest guy in our school take interest in someone like me?
I became suspicious almost immediately.

-Is this a prank? If yes, it's not really funny y'know.

-It's not a prank, I'm completely honest.

I was still skeptical.I stared at him in disbelief as my palms started to sweat.We are completely alone on the school grounds, the color of the sky matched the color of his hair, making his dark blue eyes stand out. He was staring at me too.
I feel awkward.

-Ajax,I don't think I ever properly introduced myself to you, we never actually talked. How do you expect me to take you seriously?

-I know, I know this sounds weird but I do like you, very much, maybe if we went on a date we could talk about it more.

He said in a flirty voice, followed with a wink.I was initially going to refuse.I don't know him that well,and since he's popular, he's probably a douchebag.All popular people are the same and I DON'T want to involve myself with them.This situation caught me off guard but I also became curious.

-If you really insist, we can... go grab a bite somewhere.

I stared at something behind him,I am embarrassed to look at him.

-Yes!Alright! I was thinking of Orange Flames?

I could hear how his mood lit up but all I could think about was the prices of food at the place he mentioned.

-Sorry, that's not gonna work for me.

-Why not? Their food is the best!

Of course he would know that, he's a rich boy, what else could I expect?

-Ummm,too expensive...
I mumbled.

I am scared of popular people, the power they hold is immaculate.They can accuse you of anything, say anything about you or do anything to you and they'll get away with it easily. Everyone loves them, so everyone will believe them. That's why I always kept my distance and despised them in silence.

Ajax seemed like everyone else,a rich, popular and entitled guy.
He is famous by the name "Childe" I have no idea why though.I refuse to call him that, simply to annoy him and his "fans."

-Oh you don't have to worry about that! I'm paying everything.

-Are you sure?

-Yes, see you tomorrow! 6PM!

He quickly paced to the gate, waving at me on his way and flashing the basic "pretty boy" smile.


Why did I agree to this again?
This place is not for me, it's too extra.

Currently we are sitting at the table way behind everyone else, at the back of the main hall.This place is not that big, but it sure is fancy and not for people like me.On my left side is a huge window from where I can see people crossing the street.Ajax is sitting in front of me, looking down at the menu.

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