°Chongyun x Reader°x1

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Umm,kinda long?OOC Chongyun!

You never thought you would find yourself in this scenario.
Sure,you knew your parents were capable of many things,but this? This is too much.Did they care what you thought about it? Nope.

Right now,your family is supposed to meet with people who's son you are going to marry.You could tolerate most of your parents' bullshit,but arranged marriage has crossed the line.
Yet, no matter how much you complained you couldn't change their mind.Being the daugher of one of the richest families in Liyue, people would think you have it easy, but they are wrong.

You and your family sat by the dinner table in a huge hall when the door opened to reveal maids bringing in food,and another family walking in after them.

You refused to look at any of them,staring at the opposite side of the room,then you glared at your parents.

When those unknown people sat down,your dad sent you an "act normal" kind of look so you had to finally take a look at those strangers.

Why is there just two of them?

A man and a woman introduced themselves to your parents, but you didn't pay attention at all.You just wanted this to be over.

The man turned his head left and right like he was searching for something,but he couldn't find it.

-Yui,where did Chongyun go?

Yui,you assumed mother of the guy you have to marry,looked around as well and let out a sigh.
She turned to you.

-I apologize.
Then she gave some kind of a sign to a maid,probably to go and find the guy.

Did he run away?Wise choice,you completely understood.You should have done that too.

As the maids exited the room,you were left in silence.
Just when your dad was about to say something,he got interrupted by someone running through the door.

As their shoes made an echoing sound,everyone in the room just blankly stared.

-I told you to stop doing that!
Yui said, trying to sound as calm as possible but you could tell she was angry.

As you paid more attention to this new person, you noticed his hands were full of... popsicles?

-Kitchen was full of these, I could not resist.
He said with a popsicle in his mouth,unbothered by his mother's tone.

What just happened?
Your lips slightly parted as you watched the guy come closer and closer and sit next to you.

-Sorry for that, I'm Chongyun.
He introduced himself,but he sounded very uninterested.The only thing he paid attention to were popsicles that he put on the table.

-We talked about this.
The man you didn't know the name of said,his arms crossed.

-We're sorry,we promise it won't happen again.
Yui said to your parents, obviously disappointed in her son.

You had no idea who this guy is,except his name now,all you knew was that you're marrying a really good exorcist.

When you found that out you were furious.What kind of logic is this?

You are born with a rare aura, the one that attracts seelies and similar beings.Seelies,wandering spirits,would follow you whenever you would go near them.Which is the opposite of what they usually do.
You liked your ability,it's nice but why would you have to marry a guy who literally kills the purpose of your ability?

It's all business, that's a field your parents are good in and you weren't.

Businesses is strict,and you hated it. You hated that you were used as a money maker by being sold to an exorcist.

If you could run away from all this you would.

You held the anger in yourself all the time you waited for this family to show up, but for some reason when Chongyun sat close to you you suddenly felt calm.
Why and how?

His simple presence is calming you down. Is this some kind of ability exorcists have?

As the parents chatted,Chongyun slightly nudged your shoulder,catching your attention.

-Did you agree to this?
He whispered and you just shook your head a no.

-Play along then.
And before you could process what to do, he already stood up.

-She says she needs to go to the bathroom so I'll show her the way, like a true gentleman I am.
He says,in a kind of tone where he just wants to look good and disciplined infront of his parents to avoid more trouble.

Before you knew it,he grabbed your arm and dragged you out of the room.

-You welcome.Do what you want now, they won't even notice we're gone.
He says as he closed the door,now standing infront of you.

You could finally focus on his complete appearance.

Boy,was he charming.

-Uhh, thanks.You're also against all of this, right?
You looked up at his ice blue eyes.

-Yes.I don't think I'm ready for something big as this,but of course they never listen.

-I know.I'm Y/N by the way.

He nodded, but didn't respond.The awkward silence started forming.

-Do you want a popsicle?
He suddenly asked.


-There's plenty in the kitchen, let's go,I left all I had on the table back there.But we'll have to steal them because if maids and chefs see us they will send us right back to our parents.
He explains and grabs your arm again.

You realized that the man you were going to marry is only a child,child in a 18 year old's body,which is kinda adorable.Still,you will put all the effort into convincing your parents to stop the marriage,but at least you've got a new friend.


thinking of making a second part because I want more fluff

Word Count:920

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