kong smiled looking back at arthit.

"Do you think we will have that?" kong asked again.

"We will... although I am not sure how many more warnings and threats I would get for that and it's not anytime soon, if we want all of their blessings." arthit said shivering  remembering the time he asked for all their permissions to ask kong to be his boyfriend. If he wasn't that naive and fool... well no he isn't going the trip down that memory and guilt lane. kong laughed remembering his dramatic brothers, phis and friends.

Nobody knew who leaned in first but they did and they kissed the kiss was slow full of love which started turning heated but both pulled away before more because there bodies are already protesting wanting to just sleep. They both gave each other an awkward smile and slept cuddling each other.

The next morning kong woke up to delicious aroma of food. He went to freshen up and go to the kitchen to find his phi in shorts and long sleeves rolled up and an apron. He backhugged him. After their morning cuddling session kong decided to help in the kitchen. He was getting better at cooking but still had a lonnnnng way to go. He was cutting veggies for the salad when his phone rang and he got distracted and cut his palms instead. It was superficial and nothing serious but arthit created a big fuss over it.

arthit and kong both had taken the day off but kong was called in for an emergency. kong don't have a driver as he says he loves driving but today arthit wasn't going to let him drive and was going to be his driver for the day. kong said he was being too much and he would ask his bodyguards who work discreetly if needed but one shout of 0062! in arthit's hazer voice and he shut up his protests. The drive from home to office was filled with kong on phone giving instructions. arthit always admired this side of kong and amazed that this guy can pull off a funny, flirty side and took well still takes his bullshit. No one with whom kong deals business with except from him ofcourse would believe kong can be a normal guy watching k dramas and being dramatic or making comical faces when he steals arthit's spicy foods to irritate arthit.

arthit after dropping off kong went shopping for groceries then spending hours in gaming zone then going home and lazing finally dozing off. When he woke up it was already 6 in evening. He called kong but it went unanswered. So he called his secretary and came to know he is in an online meeting and it will be ending soon. Thanking all his lucky stars that kong is still in the office he went to pick him up. When kong came down arthit could see kong's mood was not good but kong didn't say anything either so arthit didn't pry instead he smiled and hugged him to reassure which was very much welcomed by kong.

They got themselves takeout from a restaurant. Seeing a still gloomy kong arthit put on the radio. This was giving him deja vu now.

You turn me on like a light switch
When you're movin' your body around and around
You got me in a tight grip (yeah)
You know how to just make me want you, baby

Do you love it when you keep me guessin'? (Me guessin')
When you leave, and then you leave me stressin' (me stressin')
But I can't stay mad when you walk like that, no (uh)

(Light switch by charlie puth💚)

Okay that's not bad thankfully it's not a sad break up song but this? Well if it can make kong divert his attention from whatever making him stessed then arthit will do it. arthit place his hands on kongs knees and the touch wasn't innocent at all. kong was flustered and arthit knew it. Well well teasing is much more fun that getting teased who knew?

kong changed the station. He is on the losing side today, he can feel it and he isn't having it. This is now giving him deja vu too.


You might think I'm crazy
The way I've been cravin'
If I put it quite plainly

(3435 by ariana grande)

Nope this bad. This is worse. Kong changed it as fast as he can. Arthit smiled slyly 'this is awesome!' arthit thought. Winning the teasing war agaist kong is better than winning a bussiness award.

Ooh, your body's like an ocean
I'm devoted
To explore you
Ooh, what do you desire?
I'm inspired
I'll do it for you

Won't you draw a map for me?
Laced with strawberries
And I'll get on my knees

(Teach me how to love by shawn mendes)

kong changed it soon too. The hand on his legs is stopping him to think rationally and stop the radio all together. Why have all the radios gone that way today?

I used to rule the world

eas would rise when I gave the word

Now in the morning, I sleep alone
Sweep the streets I used to own

I used to roll the dice
Feel the fear in my enemy's eyes
Listen as the crowd would sing
Now the old king is dead, long live the king
One minute I held the key
Next the walls were closed on me
And I discovered that my castles stand
Upon pillars of salt and pillars of sand

(Viva La Vida by coldplay)

kong blinked. arthit blinked. arthit withdrew his hands making a face. kong was happy that atleast one station saved him. Then kong started to laugh at arthit's now flustered face.

"Did you get a 'cold' shower? Pun intended" kong asked still laughing uncontrollably.

arthit was not liking losing again but well whatever makes kong laugh.

They went home and they might or might not have gone to close the bedroom soon. Why are you nosy bunches still here? Give them privacy. Shoo, shoo.

Many months passed and arthit was getting restless he wants to marry kong soon, he is feeling like if he don't then he might lose kong again. He already have the ring made. Today he poured his heart out to his friends who sympathised with him knowing nothing can be done for now because sutthiluck couple have said to think about marriage only after 2 years. So they being the good friends that they were poured arthit drinks... and more... and more untill he was too drunk. They dropped arthit at their house door, rang the bell and ran away not wanting to meet kong's wrath.

arthit entered the house. He was seeing 2 kongs. He kneeled, took a ring out and asked the question,

"Marry me kong?" He asked suprisingly not stuttering or slurring.

"NOOOO!" kong shouted.

Well this chapter wasn't meant to be written at all but I can't end it at 21st cause I am kinda odd number phobic even after having my birthday on a very odd no. day that too on a very odd no. month and a very much odd no. Year🤧😫 but anyways when I started this came out.😅😅

Sorry if I disappointed tho.

Just one more to go.

Coldplay, imagine dragons and the script are my favourite source of inspiration.💙

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