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The 2 months had passed rather slowly for arthit. He can't wait to kiss kong or cuddle with him like he did in those 6 months. But these 2 months both were happy they were getting better at their profession and their relationship hit another level. They were developing more feelings towards each other. Finally when the 3 months ended there was a resignation letter of kongpob ruangroj on the table. It was hard to let his brilliant employee go but he was excited. So he signed the resignation letter quickly, too quickly than kong's liking.

kong was disappointed because he thought arthit will stop him or atleast sulk or something instead kong was the one who made his way out sulking but when he was in the middle of the bullpen 10 delivery boys came in holding bouquets of white, pink, yellow, cream, orange, lavender, pink, burgundy, red and purple and surrounded kong. kong was confused. But it all made sense when arthit came to him and knelt down.

"I am sorry for what I did... I may not know it but I hurt my love...I cost 3 years of our relationship I made you cry and make you feel like you were unworthy" arthit started but kong interupted saying

"That's the worst proposal ever" kong laughed but was crying now. arthit knew the humor was just a defense mechanism so he continued.

"if I could take it back I will take it all even if it kills me. Before that too I was a coward and always thought what would people say and not what I want or what you want I am sorry and I can say sorry as many time you want. But now not having you is like not breathing and I can't live without you. I said I would court you but please can we skip that step? Every time I close my eyes I go to those happy 6 months... I am at that point that I am jealous of my past self who could hold you, kiss you and date you whenever he wanted to. So please put me out of my misery. Let me ask you will you kongpob Ruangraj accept this 10 coloured roses (at this another boy came in with a bouquet with 10 roses of different colour with some orchids in it) and your favourite flower which represents... you know what you know more but let me tell you it symbolizes happiness, love, innocence, passion, desire, thoughtfulness, promise and anything and everything else I arthit rojnapat can give you. So will you accept it and be my boyfriend?" Arthit ended it with opening a box with 2 bracelets in it.

(I just got a sugar rush cause its too sugary haha seriously tho it's too much I don't know why I wrote it like this yeah I will stop criticising myself ○_○)

"Don't worry I took the permissions... well except from your parents but p'singto said they blessed us so don't worry they won't kill me but they said I can't propose you to marry me anytime soon." arthit said pouting.

kongpob was crying mess and give a teary laugh hearing the last part and could only nod in response. He accepted the flowers and they helped with each other's bracelet. The whole office was cheeeing. The delivery boys were happy to see this. Kongpob and arthit hugged for long then let go.

"Umm phi what should we do to these 10 huge bouquets" kong asked and arthit scrunched his face to think. After a debate and dicussion they gave it to charity.

kongpob was to work for 6 months under a leadership but considering the situation sutthilucks agreed to let it be and 3 month is enough. Then there was the huge project with the rojnapats too so they appointed kongpob as the head of that because part of investing needs them to be involved too. Singto's surname was already known to most it's just arthit never dug enough to find out. And kong changed it to sutthiluck recently after he quit his job. He was introduced as the 2nd heir in the europe. Before the news reached thailand kong returned back it has been 1 month since his resignation and they kept their relationship long distance.

The sutthiluck couple were angry for not being kept in the loop but soon gave in seeing the crestfallen expressions of their sons. They obviously knew everything even before singto confessed and asked permission for arthit. Yeah arthit did actually managed to get permission, singto's was hardest to get but on krist's pleadings he mellowed. But the amount of threats he got from everyone was enough to keep him on his toes. And he haven't met mama and papa sutthiluck yet. The sutthiluck couple wanted kong to reveal his identity now that it's an open secret, so that they can meet the guy who broke their muchkin's heart well that's what they are calling him and warn him even if they sympathised arthit for his memory loss.

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