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Dechapanyas face color drained seeing Sam. They knew they had already lost the match. While other board members were confused seeing another arthit and kong well their more mature form.

"I know you gentlemen have questions but let me start from the beginning. I am done with the cat and rat chase. sam you start first." singto said.

"I was given money to give fake statement against khun kongpob. In reality the 2 years of failed projects were due to mr dechapanya. He made me the project head and said me to minimise the chances of getting the tenders as much possible. he even interfered with the emails, changing them and making us loose projects" sam said looking down suddenly feeling embarassed and guilty which he never felt in these 2 years. Everyone looked at mr dechapanya questioningly.

"He is lying! How can you believe him? I have been with you guys for 3 years and tell me what I will gain from all this." mr dechapnya said trying to save his face.

"Thank you sam, now get out. I hope you guys believe him and if not you would notice the bank account with which kong allegedly embezzeled is only a limited account and can't really be used to store more than 100000 baht it and if you contact the bank they would say the amount is refunded already. Now what will you gain from taking over rojnapats lets start." singto said and looked at krist who still had a poker face. (just imagine there is that kinda account cause it dont hehe)

kong wasn't kidding when he said krist was over protective of him. He was furious and the dechapanyas were going to know it soon.

"lets start from the beginning shall we Mr dechapanya. You were a young ambitious man and just inherited a very fortune company everything was going well till your greed asked for more. You made a deal with the devil or in this case a mafia..." mr dechapanya's eyes went wide nobody knew this information so how?

krist chuckled and continued.

"Oh yes we know everything. So you got money from him investing in a mirage and well mirage is a mirage and you failed but the devil came to take back what's his. you had no other choice than to give him everything you had and in the process going bankrupt but the amazing business man that you were you were able to play your cards well or should I say became a devil yourself? Making drugs in a medicine factory and selling it to college students? I dont know how low could you go than that Mr dechapanya" this revelation made everyone shocked including namtarn she didn't knew this. But the said person now was quiet he knew there is no other way now.

"But a person feasting 3 times a day everyday can't live on bread crumbs right? your older son mr mike came to know of all the things you did and left you, not having the courage to expose you but having enough dignity to not do immoral work. Then when your daughter got proposed by the heir of a rich company you saw hope. Hope to be on the top again but then you got greedy yet again when grandmother rojnapat made you the offer. Your daughter was a more than willing participant and when arthit lost his memory that was a golden opportunity. You kicked kong out of his life and grandmother rojnapat was dead hence no one except namtarn had the evidence and truth about the first born rojnapat and the wrongdoings of mrs rojnapat. Your first mission of saving your company lost in between and you again ran after the mirage of gettng the whole rojnapat enterpises." Singto continued where krist stopped and now everyone was getting where this was going.

"You tried to get as much shares as you can and started turning investors while pushing for namtarn and arthit's marriage because you need her to be the ceo so that you get everything under your contol. You have been very patient I will give you that and you may have been more but seeing the entry of kong you got intimadated. You were placing your pawns long before like sam and the spies in rojnapat house and office. You planned the embezellment and project failures to push arthit to marry namtarn in the name of merger to save company's face and help them. It's just the huge project came out of nowhere and you were given a golden opportunity once again. You wanted to make kong the fall guy then force arthit to marry nam and got everything but tsk tsk the variables named krist and singto came in but seeing kong out of his little coocon I doubt we needed to do that. Now tell me mr dechapanya am I correct or am I correct?" krist ended his long speech with a smirk. It felt like watching those detective shows where the culprit is handcuffed in a chair and detectives summarises their finding lol and knott who had went back to the cctv room after handing sam to security would say that it exactly looked like it even the way krist and singto were in sync and mr dechapanya fidgeting.

Everyone was silent until namtarn cried loudly and begged his dad to refuse the horrible things but mr dechapanya stayed silent.

"what can you do? The police are on my payroll. You cant do anything." mr dechapanya finally said.

"tsk that is where you are over confident bad guy" kong said and smiled. Everyone turned their heads to look at kong amused. 'Bad guy seriousy! What are you kong? a five year?' Knott thought amused.

"I do have all the proofs, photos of your bases, the customers and suppliers and the places and right now..." he checked his watch "everyone and everything would have been under police custody and don't worry the officers on your payroll also can't do anything. Its higher order." kong said

When nobody said anything he looked around to find everyone is gawking at him.

"WHAT? nobody messes with me and the people I love and get away with it. I had my eyes on them for almost a week and send a PI and they reported to the police and this is a huge drug bust so higher officials are involved no one can mess with it." kong said nonchalantly.

"Why did we rush to be the knight in shining armours then? We could have watched doctor strange and the multiverse of madness the thai version. kong you should have said you have it under control." singto whined and pouted to which krist gave an unamused look.

They were interrupted by the police who had warrants and mr dechapanya was finally away for good. Namtarn also left as she was embarassed and ashamed of the whole ordeal.

Then everything and everyone calmed down well everyone but knott who was pouting because he didn't get the huge reveal but the drama was high so that's a consulation and seeing the witch cry made him happy well he isn't sadist but she made his life hell ordering him around and manipulating arthit so you don't get to say a word.

They discussed what was next for the company's future. The 19 percent of dechapanyas would be returned back to the rojnapats as the owners colluded to take power and was a criminal and namtarn's share was also a joint share with her dad so hers was surrendered too. The other shareholders who helped them were given a choice either to sale them to others at market price or watch their stocks being nullified and obviously they chose the former. No one needs back biters in their life. After that was settled everything went back to normal. The shares 19 percent of shares were given to krist as inheritence while the rest 11 percent were brought by singto anonymoulsy from aroon. Even tho krist declined at first saying arthit deserves it he was forced to accept after seing mr rojnapat in tears. He had already refused anything from them saying he already have too much on his platebut now he had to take it and he also wanted to help his little brother so it was okay with him.

Everything was solved but the seeds of doubt were sowed in other shareholders heart and everyone knew it. So did Arthit so he was trying hard to prove his worth and find an investor. And then a few days later he was contacted by a representative of the Sutthiluck conglomerate to be their investor which would also help them enter the thai business community and no one in their right mind would pass on the opportunity so he agreed to it.

Days passed and everything was fine. Aroon and paga had their doubts as to why he got that opportunity but stayed quiet. Arthit had doubts as to who singto and kong were but he chose to turn a blind eye thinking he had done enough to damage and now he should go with the flow.

18th chapter already!😅

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