004 | listen to the podcast

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"Love, I think it had to do with Adalyn being too drunk to walk in her heels and refusing to take them off and walk bare foot, so she was joking around about how "I'm stealing her" since she piggy backed her way back here and Jack also couldn't walk straight so I was the who helped her," Jonah explained.

"Ohh right," Valentina nodded. "My boyfriend just reminded me, and well told these two, how he had to help Adalyn home because she couldn't walk in her heels, and they were joking about him stealing her," she repeated for the podcast listeners.

"Was I seriously that drunk though?" Adalyn asked. "I can walk in heels when drunk usually.."

"Yes," all three replied at once.

"I probably didn't even have very many," she defended herself.

"You defiantly did have a lot," Valentina turned her attention to her, talking while she picked up her phone. "Should we maybe answer some question? Maybe bring the episode back to the topic the whole podcast is centred around"

"Did you put a question thing up?"

"mhm, I took care of everything while you were sleeping. I just said to ask, slash tell us anything," she responded while opening up Instagram and scrolling through the questions.

"Alright," she nodded.

"um.. here's a good one we should be able to answer.." Valentina stop on one, "I've been with my boyfriend for a little over a month and my best friend just got a boyfriend, and they don't get along.. what should we do about it?"

"Friends having partners that get along is nice, yes," Valentina answered. "But you can't really force it. Not everyone's going to get along, and you can't make everyone get along. I'm sure there's a reason why they don't."

"And you could maybe just sit down with each of your boyfriends, separately, and talk to them about it and see if they could just deal with each other for a couple hours every once in a while," she continued.

"Lucky for us our boyfriends do get along, clearly, the four of us are on a trip together as we speak," Adalyn added. "But that's cause they were friends before."

"While we're on the topic of our boyfriends being friends," the other subtly eyed her friend down from bringing it up. "I get messages and comments and I see it all the time constantly and this is only gonna cause more. Everyone's always asking if I'm dating one of Jack's, Adalyn's boyfriend, bandmates.."

"I don't know how this all started but Jack's allowed friends that aren't in his band. Oh my god, it's wild, I know," Valentina said the last comment with sarcasm.

"Is the boyfriend one of Jack's bandmates though?" Adalyn jokingly asked.

"I don't know Adalyn, you tell me?" she looked directly at her.

"Do you really want me to answer that?" the girl glanced between Jonah and then back at his girlfriend. "I'm joking, I don't even know who's in his band," she lied.

"And the best girlfriend award goes to this one," Valentina laughed, pointing at her friend. "Anyway, I want a private relationship- we want a private relationship, I don't understand why I "need" to post it all over social media."

"Because it's fun," Adalyn smiled at the girl. "Watching all the girl cry cause I stole the love of their life- I'm joking you don't need to post anything I just like doing it cause I like to make it known."

"Won't go out alone on a date with him though," Valentina mentioned.

"Will marry me though," Jack chimed in from across, making his girlfriend quickly flick her head towards him.

"Absolutely fucking not!"

"Ohh right, you wouldn't remember that happened," Valentina said through a small chuckle.

"Remember what?" Adalyn furrowed.

"You know how people come to Vegas and have like fake weddings and Elvis weddings and that sorta stuff.. somehow we ended up at one of those places," she explained. "And had like a fake double wedding."

"You posted about it on your story," Jonah mentioned to the younger one. "I saw it this morning, the picture was really blurry but like you could tell."

"Well, guess what babe?" Adalyn turned her attention to Jack. "That's the closest you're gonna get to marrying me, Mr. Barlow, so you should've been sober so you could savor it."

"Oh I remember it, I stopped drinking before we left casino and went to a club cause you wanted to go party so while we were there I had kinda sobered before I then drank more after said wedding," Jack replied. "And I am certain that you were calling yourself Adalyn Avery.."

"you wish," she playfully scoffed.

The two girls soon went back to answering questions for their podcast so they could get it all wrapped up and everything sent off to their editor before their night out — the episode ending up having the main topic of double dates which was fitting considering the two couples were away on a trip together.

[ ₊✧ 💋 ∘* ☁️ ⋆ 🍒 ༉˚ ]


wow a podcast episode chapter // what
happened last night which i didn't know
how to include in that chapter👍

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