The Transylvanian Horror

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In the year of 1873, a team of hikers that called themselves the blood consumer hunters searched for the tomb of Count Dracula. The team consisted of eight people who intended to put the tomb of Dracula into a museum. After hiking for a few days, they were able to find an entrance in the mountains.
As they proceeded in the mountain, they found statues that guarded an entrance to where the tomb of Dracula was. The entrance had bats that flew around, but none of them were scared. They went through the area and after minutes of searching, they were able to find the tomb. "The tomb of Dracula, we found it." The leader said as he walked to the tomb. "We should be careful with the tomb, if we drop it, it won't be worth anything." One of the hikers said in a concerned tone.
"We don't need to worry, there's enough of us to carry this tomb." The leader said as he started to pick the tomb up. The leader and four hikers started lifting the tomb out. As they were lifting the tomb, one of the hikers cut himself and he started to bleed.
The tomb started to move around and the hikers started to hear sounds of someone knocking on the tomb from inside. They dropped the tomb, and it started to open. "I can smell the sweet scent of plasma, and almost taste the hemoglobin." A cold raspy voice said. The hikers looked at the tomb and they saw I figure coming out of it. "I am Count Dracula, the one who bleeds woke me from my sleep.
Now I will feast on all of you." Dracula said, revealing his pale face, bald head, and red cape. "We need to get out of here, now!" The leader yelled as Dracula hovered over them.
One of the hikers grabbed a dagger and tried to stab Dracula, but he was stopped when Dracula knocked the knife out of his hand and consumed his blood. "Now it is your turn." Dracula said as he pointed to the rest of the hikers. "Let's see if he likes guns." One of the hikers said as he pulled a revolver. "A gun can't stop the Emperor of Darkness." Dracula said as he ran to the man with the gun.
"I have never felt more alive. I will kill all of you, and rule the world with my army of vampires." Dracula said as the hikers ran. "I am tired of running, the five of you need to get out of here, I'll hold him off." The leader said as he grabbed a stick of dynamite. "Are you doing what I think you're doing? You can't blow this place up, it has importance, we could be rich if we take pictures of this place." The hiker said as Dracula started to move toward them. "We need to stop Dracula, if that is really him."
The leader started to light the dynamite and threw it at Dracula. As the hikers left the mountain, the entrance caved in from the dynamite. "We need to inform their families about what happened." The hikers said as the ruble started to move around. The hand of Dracula popped from the rocks and had arisen, revealing that Dracula still lives.
"We need to get out of here. The sun is about to appear, we just need to stay away from him." One of the hikers said as they split up. "Splitting up won't help you, I am faster than all of you." Dracula said as he skidded to one of the hikers. "Now I will prepare to feast on your blood." Dracula said as he was about to grab the hiker. "Feast on this." The hiker said as he stuck a dagger through his chest.
"Ha ha ha, do you really believe a dagger can stop me? You humans are just as foolish as I thought." Dracula said as he removed the dagger from his chest.
As Dracula grabbed the hiker, the sun appeared in the sky. "No, not now. Not when I am about to feast." Dracula said as he hovered away to the abandoned mines in the mountains. "We were lucky that the sun had risen. But we need to find a way to stop that monster."
The hiker said as he walked up to the rest of them. "You four can do whatever you want, I don't want to deal with anyone or anything like that. I did all of this for the money, and that's it." The fifth hiker said as he started walking away. "Are you just going to cower in fear while that man is still on the loose." "Who died and made you leader, Timothy?"
"Albert did when he sacrificed himself." Timothy replied as he walked in front of the hiker. "You saw what that thing did, he came out of the ruble like it was a pile of sand." "Fine, be a coward, we'll find a way to stop that freak, whatever it takes." Timothy said as the hiker gave up and walked away.
"Are you sure that we'll find a way to stop that thing. We know the weaknesses, but I am not sure if they are true." "Don't worry Ron, we'll figure it out once we fight him." Timothy said as the rest of them walked. "We'll meet at our building and discuss what we should do." Timothy said as they walked to their houses.
Timothy laid in his bed with his wife, thinking about what he is going to do if Dracula wins.

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