The Greatest Mystrey of Daniel Fecter

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In the year of 1893, Sherlock Holmes and his assistant, Dr. Watson took on one of the most brutal killers in London. "What has this city come to. Monsters, magicians, and now a different murderer with a strange calling." A police officer said to himself as he inspected the body in a hotel room.
"I believe I can figure out what happened here." Sherlock Holmes said as he walked up to the officers, smoking his pipe. "Holmes, it's good to see that we have a great detective inspecting this case." One of the officers said. Sherlock and his assistant, Dr. Watson, inspected the body to make an assumption. "Do you think it is that awful Werewolf again?" The officer asked. "No, these are human teeth, I think we are dealing
with a cannibal." "A cannibal?" The officer repeated. "Why yes, I can tell from the dagger that the murderer used this to kill or wound the victim so he would eat him." Sherlock said as he picked up the knife to inspect it. "Alright, we will just leave the case to you, but call us if you have any trouble." The officer said as he walked out the room. "What can you make of the knife, Holmes?" Watson asked as Sherlock looked at the dagger. "This is a hunting dagger. The killer is just as messed up as I thought." "I think I know where to find a hunting knife like this. It is at Timothy Moore's knives and daggers shop. I think that can be our first spot to investigate." Holmes and Watson left the building to the knives store to find anyone who bought the knife.
They entered the store where they met Timothy Moore. "Hello gentlemen, I see that you are interested in coming to my store..." Timothy said as he realized who the two customers were, "and you are Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson. I'm guessing something happened that is involved with my store." "Something did happen, but it
was involved with a dagger, and I believe you have something like it." Holmes said as he gave him the dagger. "Ah, I see you have a carbon Damascus hunting dagger." "Interesting, did you see anyone buy this dagger?" Sherlock asked. "Yes I did, his name is Noah Brown. He used to be a frequent visitor here until a week ago when he disappeared. People began to think that he became a shut in, some people believe he is dead." "Where does he live?" Holmes asked as he took the knife back. "He doesn't live too far from here, I will give you his address." Timothy said as he grabbed a piece of paper and a pen to write down the location. The duo left the store to the location of the house.

"Remember Watson, whatever happens in this house, be ready to face a strong murdering psychopath." Sherlock said as they walked up to the front door of the house. Sherlock knocked and no one answered. "Maybe we can find another way in." Watson said as they moved away from the front door. As they walked around the house, they are able to find a shattered window that leads to the basement.
They entered through the window and investigated the basement. "There seems to be nothing down here that can be used for evidence... wait a minute," Sherlock said as he looked at the floor with small blood leading to the next floor, "these blood stains lead upstairs." "There also seems to be a napkin that the man dropped when he broke into the house." Watson said as he picked up a blood stained napkin, showing the words Arkham Hotel.
They both moved upstairs to find any more evidence that can help solve the case. Holmes and Watson find more blood stains that lead upstairs to a bedroom with blood stains over some of the walls "It looks like there is a gun on the floor, maybe the intruder used it or possibly the victim." Sherlock said as he picked the gun up. "There is no blood on the gun and there is a hole on the floor, it looks like a dagger pierced it. I also see brass knuckles on the bed, and there are blood stains. And look at this, Holmes, there is a bullet hole on this wall. The victim wasn't able to get a shot off of the intruder." Watson said as they looked at the wall with the bullet hole. "Whatever happened here, I'm certain that the man who caused the murder isn't the owner of this house, "Watson said as they walked in the room, "the closet door has a lock. Something is in here." "Then we should find something to unlock it." Holmes said as he aimed the gun at the lock. After shooting the lock off, they opened the door and it was revealed that the victim's body was in the closet with bite marks around him. "I think it is time to make a crime scene," Sherlock said as he started to explain the process, "The killer entered through the basement window where he cut himself and caused the blood stains leading to the bedroom. The victim ran upstairs to grab his gun and tried to use it on the intruder. After the intruder went in the room, he knocked the gun out of the victim's hand when he was about to shoot, causing him to shoot ninety degrees away from the intruder. The victim's next instinct was to grab his hunting dagger, but the intruder knocked the dagger out of his hand like he did the gun, leaving the hole in the floor. The victim tried one more option, he grabbed the brass knuckles and used them to hit the intruder, which was the cause of the blood stains on the knuckles. The intruder grabbed the brass knuckles and threw them over to the bed. The intruder and victim fought one more time, but the intruder won. He picked up the dagger and quite possibly used it to kill the man, and after that, he ate some organs of his and put the body in the closet to lock it up." "That was a dandy scene, Holmes, and I believe I know where the killer went." "And where might that be?" Sherlock asked as he put the gun in his pocket. "To the hotel in that new town called Arkham. And that is not all, the hotel is next to a mental asylum. I think that murderer might have been mentally ill, after he escaped he took the hotel as a hiding spot. It was in the news about a recent break out at the asylum, and I believe it is him." "It is good to have you as a partner, Watson. Now let's be off to Arkham." Sherlock and Watson left the house and set their course to Arkham.

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