Just can't stop thinking about names. If it's a girl I really love the name A'Zora, and if it's a boy may Alessio. I just can't wait to meet my baby.

"Are you ready to leave?" Riley asks grabbing my hand

"Uh yea." I say getting up

Riley opens the passenger side door for me to get in. I smile. He walks to the other side and gets in.

I turn to stare into his beautiful blue eyes. Our faces start to get closer. His lips touches mines slowly. He moves me onto his lap. I start to deepen the kiss. I grab onto his face.

He bites down on my bottom lip. A moan escapes my lips. He takes the chance to slide his tongue in. The battle between mine and his tongue goes in for a while. Then I give out if breathe.

"Riley." I say panting

"Yeah." He says

"How long has it been since we've had sex." I say randomly

"I don't know when we were in my back seat." He says

"No wonder i've been cranky lately." I say

"I can see it now." He says laughing


"Not here Roslyn wait till we get home." He says

I pout. Like bitch.

7:46 pm

I promise you the drive home felt like for ever. I hurry and jump out the car. I quickly unlock the door and run to our room.


I wait for Riley to come up. He walks in and locks the door behind him. He pushes me back onto the bed. He crawls on top of me. I slam my lips onto his.

I move my arms around his body. I pull his shirt off. He quickly removes mine. We don't break the kiss and continue to remove each other's clothes.

I pull away from his kiss and grab onto his hands. The feeling of his lips on my neck makes me want to release right away.

"Beautiful." He says then slams into me

I have to adjust to his side again. I feel tears forming into my eyes. I let a moan escape my lips.

He goes in deeper. Hearing him moan and grunt makes me want this to last forever.

"Oh Riley." I moan out loud
(A/N : O,o,o Riley's auto parts. Sorry I had to do that 🙃)

"I feel it." I moan

"What do you feel Roslyn." He moans deeply

We hear a knock on the door.

"Are you okay Riley?" Madi asks

"Yea mom." He says

I let out an whimper

"Alright I guess." She says

We hear her footsteps fade away.

"Keep quite so my mom doesn't hear you." Riley says smirking

He slams all the way into me causing me to scream.

I cum all over the sheets. Riley releases into me.

"Oh my." I say panting

"You know you're beautiful." Riley says wiping sweat from his forehead

I look into his eyes and smile.


Take yo ass to bed mf 🤯

Take yo ass to bed mf 🤯

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Falling For Him ✔︎Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ