#9: Kyōki Kagawa

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"Kyōki Kagawa, was made as a Villain for Persona Record: Magi Arena. I actually planned her to died from the very start of Creating her character."

"She's the type of Villain, who has good intentions in her mind, but working on them reflects them into an Evil Light and not to mention being manipulated by dark forces and others to change those intentions into not the right intentions, and then when realizing and either becomes too late or the main character is able to stop it, however sometimes these characters do not last, they can die from betrayal and that's what happens to Kyōki Kagawa."

"Accepting her Defeat, and the Betrayal she uses at the end to let everyone escape, she also had a connection to Mitsuru Kirijo as a friend."
And she is a Persona Series OC."
So let me use her backstory from Persona Record, to explain her Character and Past, if you didn't see it on the Wiki Fandom."

(Mini Info)

Name: Kyōki Kagawa

Age: 24 Years Old

Date of Birth: August 4th 1994 (♌)

Date of Death: April 8th 2018

Likes: Her Father, Mitsuru and Kikuno, Science, Projects and Research.

Dislikes: Mitsuru's Grandfather, Being Betrayal, Her Friends and Love ones being hurt, Dying at the hands of Personas, Taking Medicine, Being Turned Down.

Personality: violent, crazy, devotion to Work, Shy, Curious, Caring.

Other names: Devil Kyōki.


"Kyoki Kagawa was Born on August 4th 1994, when she was only 2 years old she loved her father dearly and never wanted to be separated from him, She Would always have fits when she was young, which is why he father named her "Kyoki" Meaning "Madness" in Japanese. But there was a secret, the head of the Kijiro Group at the Time."

"Kouetsu Kirijo, The Father of Takeharu Kirijo and the Grandfather of Mitsuru Kirijo, Was working on his Shadow Experiments, also had another project for Personas, Kyoki's father was head to the Persona Project, and Co-Partner to the Shadow Experiments with Eiichiro Takeba, Yukari Takeba's Father."

"Kyoki was a Perfect Match for the Persona Project, and become a test subject something her father was very regretful of, He didn't want her to be apart of it, But Kouetsu Threaten to Fire him if he disapproved, Kyoki was Fused with an artificial persona, that try to kill her once, she was afraid of it ever sense, but her Father Protected her as much as he could."

"But in 1999, Her Father, Eiichiro and Kousetsu along with other scientist were killed when The Shadow experiment failed, Kyoki was Heartbroken and but was determined to become a Great Scientist like her father, she met Mitsuru when she young with Kikuno Saikawa, and had been friends with them since her father worked at the Lab, but after his death, Kyoki was taken by her surviving family members and moved to another city, she grown up having a good life as she could get."

"But With her an artificial persona, she had to take a lot of Drugs, which her family were secretly giving her from a "Drug Trade", she soon went to College when she met Mitsuru and Kikuno again, she became Mitsuru's Roommate, They reconnected over lost times, and soon Mitsuru got her working for the Kirijo group, and the one day after they Graduated from College, in 2018, she got into an argument with Mitsuru, over a project to raise people from the dead, Kyoki wanted to try and resurrect her father."

"Kyoki then got mad and left, Mitsuru went to apologize to her afterwards and explain why she cannot do the project, Kyoki understood and forgave her, but afterward she met the Undertaker and Angela/Ash, who trick her by encouraging her to Finish the Project in Secret, and she made a contact with Erebus, made a contract with him, promising her that he will give her anything she needs, but of course it was all a lie, when Erebus became her persona, she did what he wanted her to do."

"On April 8th 2018, After the Battle with the Persona-Users and the Magical Girls, Erebus Betray her and devoured her soul, but she was one step ahead of them, she felt that something like this will happen, so she set up bombs and written a note to mitsuru, although Erebus knew she was planting bombs, Kyoki said these will use to blow up Tartarus and kill everyone, but Kyoki was going to use it a attempt to destroy evidence of her Project.

"Kyoki's soul was then reaped by Madeline Darke, Kyoki Died Peacefully knowing that everyone made and out alive and that she would be forgiven for what she did."


Kyoki was very good at Locking and is able to unlock these easily, this annoys Kikuno who has to Unlock them sometime.
Kyoki's name means "Madness" and "Instantly" and other meanings you can look up.


Kyōki Kagawa

Demon Form

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