We jump over a tree in the way, a molotov is thrown at us as I fall off the horse adding burns to my left forearm.

Tommy: How many are there?

Joel: Too fucking many.

You: Let's fucking mow them down.

I pull out my M4A1.

We continue, mowing them down as the path we conqour leads to more of them that we kill. In a manner of 10 mins, we stopped, breathing heavily.

We move back, jumping on the horses and moving on easily.

Joel: Wasn't too bad, due to your accuracy.

You: Want to carry on the explanation?

Joel: Well...I said We'll talk about it later, she got upset. Don't know much else.

Only thing keeping me trusting, a new hope that shined for me. Something that made me feel human again and not depressed. She ran away from me, I guess I can't ever be happy.

Still, she's got me so worried. So fucking worried. Bitch..

Tommy: A ranch! The horse is there.

We move into the ranch as I steady myself on the horse whilst standing on it. I jump from the horse onto the second floor.

I open a window as I climb in.

A person punches me in the side of my face as I move back, holding out my knife.

Ellie: Oh, Cutter! Shit, fuck, I didn't know it was you!

You: Fuck, Ellie.

I sheathe my knife.

You: What the fuck is wrong with you?

Ellie: I didn't mean-

You: Why did you fucking run?! Huh?! You had me so worried!

She jumps back, scared and upset.

I move away from her.

You: I can't fucking deal with you now.

I move to the window again.

Ellie:...I'm so sorry, Cutter...I'm just scared...

Bull. Shit.

I move out as I place myself on the outside roof. I sit there, smoking a fag.


I point my gun to the wall, looking at Joel.

I shoot, the bandit dropping at the opposite side.

You: Outside is clear.

I leave the door open, waiting for them.

I hop on a horse, so does Tommy and so does Joel.

Leaving Ellie, to sit with someone.

Joel: Go with Cutter.

She looks guilty.

I keep my posture usual, she jumps high to sit at the back.

We move out.

Ellie:...I'm sorry.

You: Ellie-

Ellie: I'm just scared and afraid, everyone I've been with died or left me.

Kinda sounds like me...it actually sounds exactly like me.

You: I lost too much-

Ellie: I'm guessing Harley.

I stop the horse. Looking straight.

She looks past me, trying to figure out why.

You: Don't you ever fucking speak about her.

She looks down.

Ellie: Yeah...Yeah, I get it. I'm sorry.

I keep the horse moving, catching pase to the others.

You: My whole reason of pain and killing is because she died, I turned emotionless. Do me a favour and shut the fuck up.

My heart is cold, turned into stone.

Ellie:...Ok. I'm sorry...

Her "sorry"s are making my heart break, I need to unfuck my mind from trust that's something I've been discussing in my head but never did.

Ellie: I won't speak about it again.

She slowly hugs me from behind, holding on, resting her head on my back.

Ellie: I didn't want to experience you leaving or dying on me...I'm just scared.

You:...I wouldn't die a pussy.

I speed the horse.

Ellie: Yeah, I know...

We are going up hill as theres finally a slope going down. There, is the entirety of Everton. It's running on electricity and beautiful how I've been told.

Tommy: There she is. Kid's will be watching movies tonight.

You: I'm not staying with her.

Well, this is the end I guess. I get my reward and...I'll be satisfied. I just need to man up.

Tommy: Why not?

You: I'll be busy drinking until my body shuts down.

Tommy: Awh, kid...Find yourself a girlfriend, she'll keep you wanting to live.

You: If you say so.

He raises his fist in a fist bump to me with a smile.

I do a fist bump with him.

Tommy: Trust in the process, kid.

Joel: Where is this lab of thiers?

Tommy: It's all the way out, University of Eastern Colarado.

He nods.

Joel: Go big horns. Don't mind us taking these 2 horses, please. Ellie, hop on mine if you want.

Tommy: What are you doing?

Joel: Your wife scares me, I don't want her to come after me.

Tommy: Let's go back to town, discuss it at least.

Joel: Eh. You know me, my minds all made up. University Eastern Colarado, how do I find this lab.

Tommy: It's in the science building, looks like a gaint mirror. You can't miss it.

Joel: You take care of that wife of yours.

Tommy: There's a place for you here, you know.

Joel looks back at us.

Joel: You good?

Ellie: We're good.

Joel: Cutter? What do you say? You are going to join us on finishing this or are you leaving us?

Ellie: Don't...

She hugs me tight.

You:...Let's get moving.

They smile.

Joel: Well...Adios, brother.

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