Chapter 50: The Secrets We Keep

Start from the beginning

"Yeah he is" Lauren says giving a weak smile to her brother.

"Chris you need to stay awake man okay don't close your eyes" Wes says

"We are almost there " Cece says and I look and see a hospital close by.

"Drew Call now" Chris says in a weak voice and Drew pulls out his phone to make a call

"we got her out. Yeah knocked out cold. Um We are on our way to the hospital. No he's still awake. Yeah Got it" Drew says then hangs up

"Drew?" I ask worried

"Your dad is on his way and the cops are arriving at the Cabin" He says to Lauren and I let out a half sigh because now we have to get Chris better.

When we got to the hospital Wes carried out Chris and ran into the ER

"We need a doctor quick" he yelled walking in and 2 nurses came running

"What happened?" one of them asked

"He got stabbed protecting me from an attacker" Lauren says

"Did you inform the police" they ask

"Yes" I answer immediately

"Please save him. He's my brother" Lauren says starting to cry and I hug her.

"Okay wait here and we will see what has to be done. What's his name?" they ask

"Christopher, Christopher Jauregui" Lauren says through tears

"Alright" they say taking him out of Wesley's arms and placing him on a germy

"Christopher can you hear me? If you can just give me a little nod. okay buddy I need you to stay awake okay don't close your eyes" one of the nurses tells him as they walk off with him

"Lauren" I say and she looks at me

"we need to talk" is all I say before pulling her outside with me

"Camila not now please Chris is in there with a stab wound" she says but I can't just let this go

"And what about my stab wound to the heart? you know the one you left me with when you made the stupid decision to leave me thinking it would keep me safe. What were you thinking Lauren? That I wouldn't feel hurt? that I wouldn't feel Abandoned? because I did. Lauren you left me in the middle of the night and not just that but you left even after your brother warned you not to. DO you have any idea what could have happened if Chris wasn't able to get back to the apartment and tell us where to actually find you? Did you seriously think that leaving with that psycho would keep me safe? Don't you understand that I am only completely safe when I'm with you. Do you even care that I had a complete emotional break down when I woke up and you were gone. Yes I found the letter you left but it didn't help when I looked at this" I say showing her the ring that I put on my necklace around my neck "Tell me Lauren " I shout Frustrated by everything

"I'm sorry" she says in a whisper

"You're sorry? you should be. But saying you're sorry isn't going to fix this entire mess. Look where we are Lauren. We are in A hospital and your brother got injured because he was getting you out of a situation he warned you about. Sorry won't fix this. A sorry won't fix the hours of worry and anxiety Taylor your Father and everyone including myself, that we felt not knowing where or how to even get you back to us. I get that you did this to keep me safe and because you love and trust me I love you even more for it, but I felt more unsafe without you near me." I say holding her face in my hands

"I-I know and sorry. God I'm sorry. I thought that if I gave Paul what he wanted he'd leave you alone. I-I admit I was wrong for leaving you and for worrying everyone, but what else could I have done?" she says and I knew that she was emotional right now

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