Chapter 18: Caring

Start from the beginning

"First I want to deal with the cut on your foot"

The older teen sighed as he grabbed the first aid kit, for he had become very familiar with the Sendou residence's layout.

"It was a tiny cut, its already stopped bleeding"

Aichi sighed while showing the bottom of his foot, not caring about his injuries, he just wanted to be by the brunette without either of them being concerned.

Jades narrowed as the brunette looked at the foot it had a long thin cut going across the bottom, not too serious. Though, the small amount of dust that was covering the cut could prove to be a problem in the future.

"You're right, though I'd feel better if it was clean....."

A sigh escaped from Aichi as he took the first aid kit and opened it, grabbing the disinfectant.

"I'm cleaning it, not you"

The smaller boy whispered softly, sapphires bright as the boy began spraying disinfectant on the bottom of his foot.

"....... You're supposed to wipe away the dirt first"

"........ Oh......."

"Why don't I just clean your cut since you don't know how?"

Kai asked, slightly amused that the smaller boy messed up.

"No, you'll end up getting kicked in the face"

The brunette looked at the younger boy in confusion before realization hit him, people were generally ticklish when another person touched someone else's foot.

"Oh I see"

The older teen replied as he watched the younger clean his injury, making sure that he didn't make any more mistakes.

"Aichi I've been wondering, those marks on your wrists and ankles....."

Sapphires darkened as a small frown creased the smaller boy's lips as he put down the disinfectant into the end table.

"They're what they look like Kai..... They're proof that I didn't give up"

The brunette nodded silently, understanding what the younger was implying, he felt guilty that he was thankful that the boy hadn't given up because that meant that he was thankful that the boy had hurt himself unintentionally in his struggles.

"Thanks for telling me Aichi, though I know it must be hard for you to think about it"

A small smile crossed over the blue haired boy's face.

"It's fine, I can't prevent things of the past from happening........"

"Breakfast is ready!"

Shizuka called from the kitchen, interrupting the conversation between the two boys.

Thankful for the interruption, both boys got up from the couch and headed towards the kitchen to see that crepes had been laid in their spots.

A sleepy peach haired girl rubbing her blue eyes came slowly down the stairs before walking to the kitchen and sitting at the table.

"Aichi?! Kai?!"

Emi gasped as she finally realized that the two teens were present at the table.

"Hi Emi...."

Aichi replied with a soft smile, the brunette murmured his greeting after the younger.

"When did you come back?!? I.... Was so worried!"

The peach haired girl whispered softly, tears threatening to fall from her eyes.

"Not too long ago, I got lost again...... I'm sorry for causing you trouble...."

"Okay, I don't want anyone spoiling their meal with tears"

The cyan haired mother laughed, both of her children nodded with a smile.



The four of them began to eat the crepes, the brunette noticed that the younger boy seemed to especially enjoy the blueberries on the side of his plate.

Me: that's le end of le chappy~

Emi: I'm so glad!

Shizuka: I feel the same way

Aichi: sorry....

Emi: don't worry, I'm just glad you're back

Shizuka: ^_^

Me: hehe hope ya guys enjoyed le chappy~

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