I love bugs bunny.
You know what would be great?

Tell me.

If I can come home and see it.

As soon as he received the message his caller ID flashed on my phone. I answered. "Hey. Are you okay?"

Tears started spilling from my eyes.

"Piccola, why are you awake? Isn't it past midnight over there?"

I'm trying to compose myself. I don't want to cry over the phone. I don't want him to know how I have failed or how wrong I was.

The sound of the front door slamming shut alerted me to mom's return. It's 3:43am. It's about right time. "I was watching a movie. Good night daddy. I just wanted to tell you good night."

"I love you figlia mia. I hope to see you soon."

When I speak to him, he never hangs up first. He lets me hang up first and that is what I did. I wiped my eyes dry and composed my myself to see my mom. This is the only way I see her, when I stay up to the morning hours. When I leave for school, she's asleep and when I come back, she's gone.

She's speaking to someone over the phone. She's speaking in Spanish and it's fast. She sounds upset. I understand Spanish and Italian. I paid attention to what she's saying. She's talking about payment for something. She's telling the person to keep the money and stop the order. She is upset. I sneezed suddenly but covered my mouth to suppress it.  When she hanged up, I hid myself against the wall. I think she heard me.

Why am I hiding?

I tiptoed my way back to bed. I got under, stilo wearing my slippers and lay very still. I heard her heels tapping against the tiles on floor. The bedroom door opened. I pressed my eyes shut.

"Neri? Neri are you awake? I thought I told you not eavesdrop on me like that!" She pulled the covers away and I remained as still as a dead person, eyes closed and heart threatening to beat out of my chest. "Good. You're asleep."

She covered me and walked out. I didn't dare open my eyes or turn. I think I'll just stay like this. She hates it when I eavesdrop but I like to eavesdrop. Her conversations are inappropriate and she's always speaking to a different man. There's one who came by the house a few days ago. He looked rich and he went to their room. I regret pressing my ear to the door.

I'm really disappointed that they are not getting back together. But I regret moving to Ibiza. I miss my father. I'll take him over this loneliness any time.

Vee's POV
I love being in Napa. I love how serene it is. It's not noisy like New York. The house feels like home even though Lupe won't allow me touch anything. She was very clear that she runs the house and I should back off if I want to stay. I will let her win for now. I mostly love being in Napa because Marcelle is here. Nothing makes me happier than being in his presence. I adore him. Even if I'm just sitting in his arms, I'm happy.

But even with such progress in our relationship, I'm still a little sad. It's about my parents. My mother who abandoned me and my father who found out about me but still didn't bother to tell me. Which one is less guilty? I have never had a problem with forgiveness until now. I just cannot bring myself to get past it.

Marcelle has says that I can't sweep it under the rug. He insists I just address the issues. It's either I embrace them or cut them off. But he says I cannot live in limbo about it.

I called my father to come to Napa. I think it's easier to deal with Signor Tancredi before I deal with Vienna. I gave been waiting for him and I hope he will arrive soon. He's late. I would like to get back before we go for dinner at Marcelle's parents' house. We visit each other often. I feel like I belong to his family even if he hasn't given me his name yet.

"Vittoria, my apologies." He approached me in hasty steps. "I ran into traffic. This is for you." He offered me a little gift bag. I was hesitant to receive it but I took it anyway. We didn't hug or shake hands. We just sat down. "Thank you for agreeing to this. How are you?"

"I'm... not okay." I answered honestly. "How are you?"

"I'm not okay either. So where do we start figlia mia?"

"Don't call me that. I haven't accepted yet."

He grimaced at me. "My dear, it doesn't matter whether you accept me or not. My blood is in your veins. You will always be my daughter and I... I love you. I loved you from the moment I found out. I know it sounds crazy but I felt it. I didn't need to know you to love you because I know you already. You're mine." He pressed his palm on the left side of his chest.

I love this man too. I could always sense he gave me extra attention when I worked for n his house.

"I wish I didn't find out. I keep wondering if staying clueless about you and Vienna would have allowed me to be happier. But there was an emptiness within me that couldn't be filled. What kept you fron telling me?"

"I was scared. I was ashamed of my actions... the ones that led you. My actions, not you. I'm not ashamed of you. I thought that since you are grown up, you don't need me. It was also easier to be your friend."

"Should I be blessed with the gift of a child, I cannot abandon my child. Nothing can make me do that. But I cannot judge you because I am not God. I cannot refuse to forgive you for this. I can forgive you Signor Tancredi. But I cannot accept you as my father. Not now. I'm not ready. I hope you understand."

"I understand."

"Scusi. I have dinner plans. I will pay for whatever you eat-"

"No. I'm leaving too." He stood up first and I followed. We walked together to the main door. "Let's see each other even if it serves no purpose."

"I'm not ready for that. Let's just give each other space."

My chauffeur is bringing the car around.

"Vittoria-" he suddenly pushed me. I heard the sound of glass breaking, people screaming and gun shots sounding in the air. When it calmed down, I gathered enough courage to raise my head. Signor Tancredi is lying still on the ground. His bodyguards are trying to wake him. I crawled to him, the glass cutting my knees but I made sure I reached him and turned his head. His eyes are wide open. He's trying to speak. 

"No don't talk." I tried to touch his face. He's bleeding from his chest and and stomach. They picked him up and one of them pulled me up immediately.

I can hear sirens in the distance. They out him in the back of a car. I sat there too with his head on my laps and my tears falling on his face. "Don't die. Don't close your eyes. Don't die. Don't close your eyes." I repeated.

AGAINST THE TIDE Book #2Where stories live. Discover now