Prez: Roger, Hitman Team, merging

Rage: Mimic, engaging. Do it, Scream!

Scream: Yeah!

Both squadrons went to engage with the last remaining fighters while the rest of the Coalition fighters attack the base. Monarch flew her F-14D skillfully behind one of the F-15C. Prez locked on

Prez: Tracking! Fox 2!

She fired two missiles scoring a kill. Missile warnings goes off and Prez look behind to see another F-15C behind them

Prez: They're behind us, Monarch! Break!

And she did a crazy post-stalled maneuver at Prez's warning causing the enemy to overshoot and Prez being slightly dizzy

Prez: Ugh. H-Hitman 1, Fox 2!

She again fired two missiles shooting the aircraft down. Monarch look to the side to see an enemy F-15C heading towards her but was intercepted by Scream who gives a thumbs-up at Monarch before breaking off. She did a high G turn getting the jump on a F-15C and fired a QAAM. The enemy fighter tried to evade it from left to right but the QAAM followed and shot down the F-15C. Two enemy fighters got behind her but she activated her ESM causing illusions on their huds surprising them. Their missiles warnings goes off but was too late as they exploded in black smoke with Rage seen flying through it

Scream: Nice! Haha

Comic got in a dogfight with an enemy with her evading all missiles thrown at her by the F-15C

Comic: You wanna play rough? I'll play rough

She was about to pull off a Cobra maneuver until the enemy was shot down by a missile. She blinked before looking to her left only to see Diplomat

Comic: Hey!

Diplomat: Sorry 'Mick, you're just too slow-Oh shit!

Multiple missiles came towards him causing him to dodge. The last enemy fighter came towards him firing everything he has. He pops flares and dodge them using maneuvers

Comic: Ooo, Dip, do you need some help?~ You seem to be in a tight spot there~

Diplomat: Okay, I understand this is Karma and shit, but please 'Mick!

Comic: Mm, I don't know~ I kinda like seeing you in misery a bit

Prez: You kinda steal her kill, you know

Monarch nodded as Scream and Rage laughed causing Diplomat to deadpan

Diplomat: Fine! I'm sorry! I'll treat you to lunch!

Comic: Mm~ If you treat me for a whole month then I will

Diplomat swore that she had a twisted grin behind her oxygen mask. He sweat drop

Diplomat: Okay, okay! A whole month!

Comic: Heh. Fox 3!

Finally satisfied at getting back at Diplomat, she flew behind the last enemy and her guns clipping his engines. Diplomat sigh in relief before his expression turns annoyed as he can hear laughter on the radio

Chocker: Karma can be a bitch

Rage: Are we good in the air, Chocker?

Chocker: Affirmative. I have to say, when Lightning told me about you guys being highly skilled, I didn't think you could pull off those maneuvers

Comic: It's all in the job description. Status on the raid?

Chocker: Our ground units are moving in to capture the airbase and thanks to the air support, we'll have that base in no time. Lightning said to expect a little bonus for your efforts

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