Chapter 44

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Two weeks later

3rd pov

Union Academy

TAC map loading...

Loading complete...

The map opens and gives an overview of the entire of Earment. In the briefing room are Y/N and Sitri Squadron

You: As you all have heard, the war is in full swing after we made contact with World Without Boundaries forces over UA. They've recently kept sending out their units to try to retake UA but our forces managed to thaw out their plans however, not without a cost

The map zooms in at UA and showed the extensive damage of the Coalition ground units

You: Thankfully, they didn't send out more fighters to contests the air and Atlas has sent one of their airships over UA to stop any further advances. However, that doesn't mean we can ease up

The map zooms out before zooming in at a remote location near Vale

You: Our forward scouts have reported that a large enemy flight group has been spotted flying towards Vale

The said flight group appeared made out of 14 bombers and 28 fighters

You: We responded with deploying QRF immediately, Snowstorm Squadron who are being led by Winter has been ordered to intercept them

Six blips of friendly aircraft appears in front of the large enemy flight group

You: I'll personally be deploying alongside you in this mission. Sortie ASAP


Intercepted Point

At 5,000 ft, the sounds of roaring jet engines can be heard over a valley. A Typhoon is being chased by a Su-35S with blue digital decal and a snowflake on both wings tips. The Su-35S fired two missiles before breaking off as both missiles hits the Typhoon. Inside the cockpit of the Su-35S is Winter Schnee. Despite not having to fly a fighter jet, she is a quick learner. Her flying is not the best but it is enough to keep her alive. She look at the battlefield as her comms is in chaos

Snowstorm 2: I got a bandit on me, someone help me out here!

Snowstorm 3: I can't, I got my hands full too!

Snowstorm 4: How the hell are we going to take down those bombers when there's a whole squadron on our tails?!

Snowstorm 5: Does the commander know the shit storm he sends us to?!

Snowstorm 6: Quit your yapping and focus on staying alive!

Winter: Snowstorm 6 is right. Command called in that reinforcement is on their way. We just need to hold out until they arrived

Her warnings start blaring and quickly dodge a missile coming her way. Two enemy F-15E got behind her and fired two missiles but she popped flares and chaff causing the missiles to loss its target

WWB Fighter 1: They only sent six aircraft? These guys got some nerves

WWB Fighter 2: Come on let's finished them off so we can commence the attack

WWB Fighter 3: An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth

The said enemy pilot who is chasing after an Su-35S with his Su-33 locks on and fired two missiles. The Su-35S did a high G turn dodging one missile while the other hits his aircraft

Snowstorm 2: I'm hit, but still combat capable

Snowstorm 4: What are we gonna do?!

Snowstorm 5: We're all gonna die if we stayed here!

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