Chapter 45

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A day later

3rd pov

Union Academy

In the briefing room is Y/N and Gremory Squadron who were called in by him for a briefing

You: Alright, let's be quick on this. I'm sure you all have heard about yesterday's interception. Apparently, they hatched a plan for two frontal assault at Vale and the bombers are one of them

The TAC Map showed two red blips with one representing air unit and one naval units

You: We've received reports that the enemy has decided to burst through our blockade in this area in which created a bulge in our defences

The said area then changed creating a bulge in the Coalition naval defences

You: Thankfully, our loses were kept to a minimum with only losing 10 fodder units while the main fleet retreats. It's to be expected that the enemy is planning an amphibious assault after the bombing of Vale

The map then showed some red arrows heading towards Vale

You: We cannot let them overstayed their welcome. So, the Sirens and Azur Lane have assembled a fleet to push back the invading forces

The map zooms in on the area where two fleet are each highlighted with blue and red

You: I'll be deploying with you on this mission. Sortie ASAP


Over at the sea, warships can be seen engaging in a fierce battle. Rockets, torpedoes and guns of different caliber are firing on their opposition side. Fighter jets can be seen in dogfights trying to gain air superiority. Both naval forces are equally matched but one thing separate them and that is shipgirls. Azur Lane with their upgraded retrofitted riggings to the modern age are on the same in power as the WWB naval vessels but the difference is that shipgirls can dodge a lot of fires. Cleveland can be seen firing her guns at a cruiser doing a quick drive by. The cruiser tried firing at her but due to her speed and hit box we're either dodged or missed. An enemy destroyer begin firing at her with VLS and its guns but she successful evade them and fired her own VLS destroying the destroyer. An F/A-18F Super Hornet begin dive bombing towards her but was intercepted by a silver F-35C Lightning II firing its guns clipping the F/A-18F before breaking off. Inside the cockpit of the F-35C is Grayfia who was deployed for the operation orders by Y/N

Grayfia: Bandit splashed. You're good, Cleveland

Cleveland: Thanks!

She flew towards an Su-30M2 and fired two missiles shooting down the aircraft before breaking off

WWB Fighter 1: Shit! I'm hit!

She turns around before opening her weapons bay and flew towards a group of battlecruisers. She launched a SOD towards them before again breaking off. The SOD flew above the battlecruisers while dropping bombs on them as it flew. The bombs detonated crippling some weapons systems

WWB Fleet 1: Damage report!

WWB Fleet 2: We've just lost all of our VLS and CIWS! Our hull is damage!

WWB Fleet 1: Dammit! Get damage control!

WWB Fleet 3: This is ship 2, we've taken damage to our engines! We're sitting ducks out here!

A voice can be heard on Grayfia's radio

Long Caster: You've successfully crippled their weapons systems. Good work, Azur Lane will finished them off. Move and assist other allies

Grayfia: Copy

A missile warning go off

Long Caster: Bandit behind you!

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