Chapter 7- The Calm before The Storm

Start from the beginning

"Sir, the military?" Bearden broached.

"Ah yes. What about the military?" Celeste asked.

Admiral Steward grumbled as he leaned back in his seat, laying down a laptop tablet on the table. "We have elements from the 5th Fleet here as part of that joint exercise with the Indian Navy that was supposed to happen before the teleportation event. It includes the USS John F. Kennedy Battlegroup, comprising the carrier itself, as well as two Ticonderoga-class cruisers, two Spruance-class and one Arleigh Burke-class destroyers. They also got a screen group of three Perry-class frigates along with two Los Angeles-class submarines."

"Truly a terrifying invasion fleet." Celeste dryly said.

"That's just the carrier fleet sir. We even have the fleet attached with the marines, two Austin-class and two Tarawa-class ships, along with a few logistics ships and one Whidbey Island-class dock landing ship. And before we forget, even the USS Mount Whitney is trapped with us."

"Jesus, why is this massive fleet even here? Our last memo never mentioned any deployment." Celeste pondered.

"This was going to be 'PASSEX 2000'. We would have gotten more information if only the incident happened after one month rather than on the new year. Also the training exercise was about coordinating a blockade of the Strait of Malacca, the Persian Gulf and the Pakistan coastline." Admiral Steward said. "This also includes the bulk of the 31st and elements of the 24th Marine Expeditionary Unit. Plus, the Army and Air Force elements already present for joint exercises."

All Celeste heard was deleting resources. That is a lot of mouths to feed, shelter for everyone. Just on the military side, what will happen when all the fuel and ammunition runs out. The issue is all this military hardware is meaningless. It wouldn't be able to stop an Indian assault and is just a resource drain.

"So, what is the recommended plan?" Celeste asked the people sitting in front of him.

Bearden took a moment to think before he gave his opinion. "We wait, for now. The Indians have been treating everyone well, and have forced nothing on us, for now. I will have people keep an eye on what they are doing, and in case I get information, they are planning something against us, we will be forced to counter."

"Hopefully we do not have to deal with that." Celeste muttered to himself as he waited for the Indians to arrive.

After waiting for a bit, the Indian delegation arrived at the conference room to meet the American establishment. The most notable individuals were the Indian Defence Secretary Brajesh Mishra and the Chief of R&AW, A.S. Dulat.

"It's good to you again, Mister Mishra and Mister Dulat. How can we help you today?" President Celeste asked as everyone got settled in the room.

"It is good to meet you again, Mister Ambassador-, my apologies, Mister President and may I say congratulations on your Presidency."

Celeste rolled his eyes upon being congratulated. Being the highest representative of the United States of America in India post the teleportation event, it was procedure to make his the representative of his nation, or whatever remained of it in the Asian nation.

"Definitely not a prize position at the moment, Mishra, you definitely would not like to be in my place."

"No one would like to, Mister President. In fact, no one would want to be stuck in a teleportation event in the first place."

"You are right, Mishra. Now, how may I help you today?" Celeste asked. "You only insisted that it was urgent.

"Well, Mister President, it's regarding the American assets stationed in India." Brajesh replied to the American ambassador.

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