Chapter 7

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We are halfway through this dinner and we have basically been listening to each other eat for the past thirty minutes. Other than the occasional question, followed by a short answer, it's been quiet. Even motormouth Blake hasn't said anything. Maybe it's because he can feel the tension.

"So, Rafe. What are you planning to do for work since you're not in college?" My mom asks sarcastically.

I roll my eyes at her attitude but choose not to say anything. Rafe answers, "I'm going to work for my dad."

"Hmm... alright then." She nods.

I'm fighting the urge to jump at her. Rafe seems to sense my anger because he places his hand under the table and on my knee. I stand down, not wanting to start a fuss before mom brings out the banana pudding.

My boyfriend speaks up, "Actually I'm going to get my real estate license as well. And my dad plans to hand the company over to me when he retires in the next few years."

"That seems like an awful lot of work, Rafe. Are you committed to it?" Mom questions.

"Yes ma'am. I know you're worried about how I am going to provide for your daughter, but that won't be a problem. I'm determined to make sure that Haley will never have to worry about anything. Nothing is going to stop me from keeping her safe and comfortable. Even if I have to work myself to the bone for it." He says sternly.

I gotta admit, I like seeing someone stand up to my mom. Dad never does...

Mom scoffs, not ready to finish her arguing. "Who says you're going to marry my daughter?"

"Cindy... it's not up to you." Dad shockingly chimes in.

"Hell yes it is! She's my daughter and if any man wants to marry her, he will have to come to me!" She's gonna make me have to blurt out my secret if she doesn't quit yelling.

Blake stands up from his chair, "Okay! Who wants banana pudding?"

With mom and dad still fussing in the background, I turn to Blake, "Please grab us some before mom tosses it in the trash!"

"Doug, it is my decision... stop acting like it's yours!"

"Whatever Cindy! Let's just have dessert. I'm tired of fussing..." Once again, dad cowers down. Hopefully one day he will come to be the voice of reason. After the fight though, he barely says another word. Actually, none of us say anything. Blake brings the pudding a few minutes later, we all pass it around and enjoy the only good thing that has come out of this family dinner so far.

And again, we listen to each other eat in silence. It's killing me, eating me alive. I need to tell them about the baby, but I don't know how! As I finish my dessert, I plan what I am going to say. I'm about to open my mouth to say it when my mom wipes her mouth and says, "Thank you for coming over, Rafe. But just so we are clear... I don't want you seeing my daughter. I will not allow her to be seen with a drug addict, like you-"

"I'm pregnant." I blurt out the secret that I've been holding for weeks.

Mom and dad both gasp, "Huh?"

"I'm pregnant."

Blake slaps his hand over his mouth, "OH MY GOD! Are you serious?!"

Mom jumps up and points at Blake, "Did you know about this?!"

"What?! Why would I know?" Blake tries to play it off but he's terrible at lying once he's been caught.

Dad is sitting in his chair silently. I think he's still trying to process the whole thing. But mom... she storms out of the room, down the hall and into her bedroom, slamming the door behind her. My brother turns to our dad, "I'm sorry, dad. I couldn't tell you because it wasn't my secret to tell."

He sighs, "It's fine, Blake. Please go to your room."

Blake nods and grabs his plate of pudding before running upstairs. My dad lets out a deep breath, "How far along are you?"

"Fourteen weeks." I say.

"Maybe having it isn't such a good idea, honey. You're way too young. Both of you."

Now it's my turn to sigh, "I'm not having an abortion, dad. I am going to have this baby. He or she will be raised by both of us. I've made my decision and I'm not changing my mind. And I have also decided that I don't care what you or mom think about it. Rafe and I are going to be good parents. If you don't agree with me, then I will move out, no problem. I know mom is mad but, again, I don't care. I'm very happy about this."

Dad hums, "And Rafe... how do you feel about this?"

"Honestly, sir? I'm over the moon. I love Haley and this baby so much that nothing is going to keep me from them. I know that I've had some issues in the past and I also know that I do have a chance of falling back in to those habits. But I will do everything in my power to fight the urges. I'm going to take care of your daughter and our child. I love them more than I love myself... or anyone else for that matter. So I would do anything to keep them safe, healthy and comfortable. I would give up everything for them, even my own life."

My dad nods his head slowly, "I'll talk to your mother... I can't say she will agree with all of this. But the topic will be brought up in our next conversation."

"Thank you, dad." I give a small smile.

"Now I hate to be rude but it might be best Rafe, that you go ahead and leave. I'm afraid that Cindy might storm out of the room any minute now and blow up... literally." Dad stands up and holds his hand out to Rafe.

Rafe stands up and shakes his hand, "Will do, sir. Thank you for dinner."

Dad grins, "Anytime."

"I'll walk you out." I grab Rafe's arm.

Rafe follows me out the front door. We walk over to his truck, standing beside it as we talk. "Honestly... could've gone way worse." I say.

"I'm just glad that your dad didn't murder me." Rafe chuckles.

"Murder? No. Beat to a pulp? Absolutely. But it's a good thing he didn't. Actually, he almost seemed happy."

He grins, "Really?"

I laugh, "Yeah, you know? In a Douglas Cooper kind of way."

"Wait... your dad's full name is Douglas?" Rafe asks.

"Yep. It's a family name." I grin.

Rafe chuckles, "Maybe we should carry on the-"

I cut him off, "Nope. Not naming my son Douglas. I refuse."

His head kicks back in laughter, a sound I have grown so fond of but don't hear nearly enough. "I love you, more than anything in this world."

"I love you, Rafe. Thank you for sticking up for us. My mom isn't used to someone standing up to her."

"Kinda figured that... but I will do it every day if I have to." He grabs my hands.

I sigh, "Now the next step is telling your family... well your dad."

"That is going to be so much worse than this. I don't even know if I want you there when I do tell him. I'm afraid of what he might do." Rafe says.

"We will cross that bridge when we get to it. Right now, let's just deal with my mom. Okay?" I say, wrapping my arms around his neck and pulling him into a tight hug.

He grabs my waist, pulling me impossibly closer to him, "Yeah..."



Finally... after almost a year I have picked back up on my book!

It's been a long time coming. I had lost my drive to write but honestly the other night, I had a dream that I was in Outer Banks so I got a little excitement from that!

With that being said, updates are coming... I promise this time. They may be slow but please be patient as I have to remember where the hell I was going with this story in the first place. All in good time I guess. But I hope you enjoy this chapter! Until the next one! ✌🏼

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⏰ Last updated: May 30, 2023 ⏰

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