Chapter 6

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•Rafe's POV•

Haley went home after the appointment. Her brother kept texting her that their mom was concerned about where she was. She didn't want to risk getting in trouble, which I completely understand.

I went home too, having no other plans for this afternoon anyway. The only thing I have planned for this week is dinner at Haley's house. Not so excited about those plans, but I promised her I would be there. It might be the night we tell her parents about the baby. I'll let Haley decide that though.

I'm now laying on my bed, staring at the picture of our growing baby. I've cried a total of three times. Once at the appointment, another time on the drive home and I just wiped off the remaining tears of the cry I just finished. I haven't cried this much in a long time. Luckily, they are happy tears. My thoughts are interrupted when I hear a knock at my door. I quickly hide the ultrasound picture and say, "Yes?"

The door creaks open and Sarah enters, "Hey."

"Oh hey. What's up?" I ask.

"Well... how was the appointment?" She walks over and sits in my desk chair.

I sit up, "It went well. Baby is healthy and so is Haley. We got to hear the heartbeat too. It was nice."

She smiles, "That's good. Do you have a picture?"

"Oh um yeah." I say, grabbing the picture from under my blanket and holding it up. "There's the head, the feet and if you look closely, you can see the little nose."

"Wow. That's my little niece or nephew." Sarah begins to tear up.

I let out a small laugh, "Yeah... crazy huh?"

She sniffles, "It's insane."

Sarah takes the photo from my hand so she can get a closer look. Her eyes meet mine, "When are you gonna tell dad?"

"That, I don't know. I'm kind of afraid of what he will do."

"Do you think it would be better if Haley tells him?" She asks.

I immediately refuse, "Absolutely not. I would rather him beat me to death than to lay a finger on Haley. No way in hell."

"How do you know he will hurt her?" Sarah questions me.

"I don't. But I'm not willing to take that chance." I tell her.

She thinks on it, then snaps her fingers as if she has her idea. "What if I told him?"

My nose crinkles up at the idea, "I don't think that's a good idea either. It's going to have to come from me. I'm sure dad wouldn't hurt you, but I'm not sure that he wouldn't hurt Haley. Like I said, I would much rather him beat me."

"So it's just a matter of it being the right time then?" She nods.


"Sarah! Are you home?" We suddenly hear dad call from downstairs.

She answers, "Yeah! Coming!" Then she turns back to me as she walks out of my door. "I'm really happy for you."

"Thank you." I smile as she closes the door behind her. I grab the ultrasound picture and place it safely in the top drawer of my nightstand.

Honestly I can't believe that this time next year, I will be a dad. It's crazy because if you would have told me that a year ago, I would've laughed. It's hard to picture myself with a child though. Now that I'm thinking about it, it's terrifying. But I know with Haley's help, everything will be fine.


•Haley's POV•

"Mom, I have homework to do so I am gonna take my dinner upstairs." I say.

Be My Baby (The Sequel to Bad Habits)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ