Chapter 2

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Rafe pulls into my driveway. He stops his truck, puts it in park and turns to me. "Do you want me to go inside with you?"

"No, I'll be fine. I'm hoping they aren't even home. With my luck though, they are on the couch waiting for me to walk through the door." I say.

"Are you sure?" He asks.

I reach over the center console to give him a quick kiss, "Yes."

He smiles and places his hand over mine, "Call me if you need me."

"Promise. Love you."

"I love you more." He kisses me one more time before I climb out of the truck. I take my time walking toward the garage door, slowly typing in the code when I get there. Rafe is still sitting in the driveway waiting for me to go inside before he leaves. The garage opens and I turn around to wave at him.

When I enter the house, mom and dad are both sitting on the couch. I knew this would happen too. Either way, I was gonna have to face them some time or another.

Mom clears her throat, "Haley, sit down."

My feet drag against the floor, bringing me to the couch across from them. I take a seat, "Yes?"

"What were you doing last night?" She asks.

"I was spending the night with Sarah. I told you that." I say to them.

Dad doesn't seem convinced, "We know that's not why you were there. Now, we allowed you to be there for Rafe when he got out of rehab. But that doesn't mean we want you gallivanting across the island with him. He has had some serious issues and we don't want him to drag you into it again."

I try to hold back from rolling my eyes, "I'm sorry, but Rafe and I are together. Nothing is gonna change that."

"We both told you that you could not be with Rafe anymore. What part of that do you not understand?" Mom asks sarcastically.

"Look, I know you don't like it but that's just too bad. We are both adults who love each other. I haven't seen him in two months and we had just gotten back together when he left. Admit it, you love Rafe. You always have. Just because he has made a few mistakes in his life doesn't mean he isn't worthy of being loved. He's so much better now. I could tell that when I got to the facility. I just wish you two would give him a chance, he at least deserves that."

They take a moment to think about it and my mom comes back with, "Let's have him over for dinner next weekend. We will make our final decision then."

"Well that's fine and all, but you shouldn't have to make a decision. Just give him another chance because you love me and I love him." I say.

"We will decide if he is still suitable for you next weekend. And that's final, Haley." Dad says in a harsh tone.

I stand up and storm upstairs, "Whatever."

None of it makes sense. I get it, they want me to be safe. But hell I'm safer with Rafe than with them. If you ever saw my parents drive, you would understand why. It's okay though... that just gives us the perfect time to tell them I'm pregnant. Probably not gonna take it well but what can you do?

I get to my room, close the door and sit on my bed. I pick up the phone to call Rafe and inform him that he has to impress my parents next weekend.

After a few rings, he picks up. "Hey. Is everything okay?"

"Yeah. I guess." I say honestly.

"Why? What happened?" He asks.

I take a deep breath, "Well... they were super mad at me because I was with you. But long story short, you're having dinner with us next weekend."

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