Chapter 4

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Kiara left around an hour ago. I texted Rafe, asking him if he would take Blake to the golf course while I hung out with Sarah. He said he would, so I told him I would come meet him at his house. Now I'm waiting on Blake to get dressed. He's worse than a girl! He has been trying to pick out what he's going to wear for the past thirty minutes. If he doesn't hurry up, I'm gonna tell him that he's not going golfing and take Rafe for myself.

"Blake! Hurry up!" I yell from downstairs.

"Really quick, how does this shirt look with this hat?" He stands at the railing and asks me.

I roll my eyes, "Fine! Just hurry!"


Like I said... worse than a girl.

My phone buzzes.

Rafe: where are you?

Me: trying to get Blake out the door!

Rafe: okay. tell him to hurry or I'm gonna cancel, then you and I will hang out ;)

Me: I was thinking the same! Let's just do that!

Rafe: I don't wanna hurt his feelings before the dinner this weekend. He could tell your mom and dad about us lying today.

Me: that's fair. I'll see you soon, I think Blake is ready.

Rafe: see you.

Blake comes running down the stairs, a bag of golf clubs slung over his shoulder, "I'm ready!"

"Thank God... let's go."

He follows me out the door and to my car. I drive us to the Cameron's house. Blake, who's never actually been here before, looks at me and says, "Holy shit! This place is epic!"

I laugh, "I guess it is. If you're nice to Rafe today, maybe he will show you around."

Once I park in the driveway, I see Rafe sitting on the front steps. He walks up to the driver's side door and he opens it for me. I'm immediately wrapped in a hug, "I missed you." He says, kissing the top of my head.

"I missed you more." I look up at him and smile.

Blake clears his throat, "Are we gonna go or are you two gonna stand here and stare at each other all day?"

Letting go of Rafe, I turn around and give Blake the middle finger. My boyfriend laughs, "Are you ready to go?"

"Yeah!" Blake says.

"Okay, Blake. No back-talking, no curse words and you better be nice to Rafe or I'm gonna tell him to leave you on the street in The Cut... got it?"

He rolls his eyes, "Alright, mom."

Rafe points at him, "I'll leave you on the street if she tells me to."

"Please don't, it's scary over there." Blake shivers.

"Oh, shut up. You big baby." I say.

"Let's go, Blake." Rafe stops us from fussing any more.

Blake follows Rafe to his truck and I faintly hear him say, "Boy, do I have some stories to tell you about Haley!"

I yell at him, "Anything you're planning on telling him, he already knows! Don't even try!"

"Dang it!" Blake pouts, jumping into the passenger's side of the truck.

Rafe laughs and turns around to wave at me. I give him a wave and a smile, before walking to the Cameron's front door. I walk in, just like usual and hop up the stairs to Sarah's room. The door is cracked so I slightly knock. She immediately says, "Come in."

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