Authors Note + New Characters + Reminders

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Hello there! At the end of this author's note, there is a quick timeline recap. A while back, I posted the timeline on the conversation part of my profile. I decided to post it here. That way, people don't have to search for the post. 

I have summed everything up before the story starts; so everyone understands how April McAlister (Tate - maiden name) and John Routledge were believed dead. Below are the new characters, as well as reminders & notes. 



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April Janine Tate

She's back!

"You're my daughter. Of course, I'm going to be worried about you."



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Big John Routledge

The father everyone's always wanted.

"I don't care about the Gold anymore; I only care about you. Only you."



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Je hebt het einde van de gepubliceerde delen bereikt.

⏰ Laatst bijgewerkt: Feb 22, 2023 ⏰

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