Chapter Nineteen

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(Next Day - Outfit One) 

A women wearing a black robe sat behind the podium, her hands clasped in front of her. The wooden gavel was propped up against its wooden piece. My best friend sat beside the judge with an orange jumpsuit on, big bold lettering on the sleeve that said a row of numbers. People sat on either side of the court room, Kooks and Pogues combined. My mother and father sat in the row opposite of my friends and I. I hadn't made an effort to speak to either one of them, frankly not wanting to step foot near them. JJ's hand laced with mine as we watched the judge read off the charges against John B. 

"John Booker Routledge, pursuant to the North Carolina statues section fourteen, you are charged with murder in the first degree with aggravated circumstance," the judge stated. My heart dropped. I felt my stomach twist itself together as if it were a piece of rope. "If convicted, the maximum sentence would be the death penalty," she continued. A round of cheer's and boo's scattered across the audience, either one of the groups both agreeing and disagreeing with what the judge had to say. At least some people were on our side. 

Two burly policemen picked up John B by his arms before he could respond to the judge's words, bringing him into the door beside the judge's podium and table. I withheld my tears when I felt my father's eyes glide to the side of my face. JJ glanced at my father before grabbing me by the arm and lightly pulling me out of the courtroom. Everyone filed out, each conversing about what just happened. It hurt me to hear what these assholes were saying about our innocent friend. "Just ignore them," JJ muttered, but it seemed like it was more to himself then it was to me. 

"Kinda hard to when they're right there," I replied. My focus stayed on my parents speaking with the Cameron family. JJ's eyes landed on me just to find me glaring at my father and my step-mother. I happened to pick up little snippets of the conversation. "I'm so sorry for what you and your family have gone through. If you ever need anything, me and my family are here for you," Lynn said, giving Rose a warm hug. 

Rose looked at my step-mother with a smile on her face. My father walked over to the family after speaking with Shoupe and his fellow officers. "Thank god the system works," the Cameron's lawyer added. I scoffed and shook my head in reaction. Kiara caught on to what I reacted to. "Can you please shut the hell up?" I retorted, making my way over to the group with my friends wandering behind me. 

Kiara stayed close by my side with Sarah to my left. Sarah set a hand on my arm, telling me that she was there for me. "Of course you think the system worked," I continued. My parents looked away from Mr. and Mrs. Cameron to me already shooting them a look. I could tell both of them wished that I would side with them, but we both knew that wasn't going to happen. "Because it was made to protect you and people like you," Kiara added to my statement. "He'll have his day in court," my father looked back to me, "You - Y/N - of all people should know that." 

My jaw clenched at his sentence, what the hell happened to the loving and supportive father I grew up with? I guess that's what happens with being all buddy buddy with Ward and his mistakes. Rose kept her arm linked with her husband's. Lynn strolled over to Rose, ushering her to get away from me and my friends. "My best friend shouldn't even be in court!" I exclaimed with a finger pointed at the white court building. Shoupe looked away from speaking with Officer Thomas. I noticed - from the corner of my eye - him begin to walk towards us. 

"You should," I pointed to Ward, "Cause you're a murderer." I put weight on the word 'murderer'. My response made the Cameron's turn around, stopping my step-mother from leading them towards the car. "You have a lot of nerve showing up to court," I said. Shoupe and my father tried to ease back the crowd from forming. Ward let go of Rose, but she continued to tightly hold his wrist. Sarah's father stepped forward, using his hands and arms to speak. 

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