Chapter Twenty-Four

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(Later - Same outfit)

We all piled back into the Twinkie on our way towards the church in hopes that we'd find what we were looking for. The plan was to get there before the Limbrey's, Rafe, and apparently my father. It all made somewhat sense: my dad being distant, not talking about my mother, practically ignoring me after the boat explosion, and the constant siding with the Cameron's despite their reputation.

It seemed to all be tied to the Cameron's, but why? My friend's and I made contact with a dirt road that was overcome with water. A huge puddle sat at the middle, preventing us from getting any further. John B huffed at the sight of the muddy trail. "Ah, shit. Tide's coming in," he spoke and glanced at us. I peeked my head between the two boys and noticed tracks in the dirt. They followed my gaze.

"They already came through here. Those have to be Limbrey's tire tracks," I said. My boyfriend turned to me and nodded before looking back at John B, who was looking at the tire tracks; debating on what to do. "What do you think, chief?" JJ asked, looking at our friend. "I'm thinking it's looking a little dicey," he replied. 

"Yeah, I'm gonna have to agree with that statement," JJ said.

John B sighed, running a hand through his hair. I sat back in my seat with my arms crossed. "Okay, clearly, they made it. No?" Kiara joined. "In a two-wheel drive? I don't know about that," JJ shook his head, an arm resting on the door underneath the window. "Why are ya'll acting like you're not gonna do it anyways?" Sarah commented, "Like when have ya'll ever done the safe thing?"

JJ and John B looked back at her and exchanged a look. Kiara and I shrugged our shoulders, motioning for them to proceed. "So, put her in second and hammer down, brother," JJ instructed. "Stick to the high ground in the middle, B," I added from between Kiara and Sarah. Our friend in the driver's seat let out a heavy sigh and set a foot on the gas peddle. I gripped onto the seat cushion, feeling the hem of the seat's fabric.

The van went sliding forwards with mud splashing underneath the van. It took a lot of work, but John B was able to bring the van to the other side of the pathway. The six of us let out a breath of relief. "Not to put anymore pressure on you, but if you didn't make it through, we'd be stuck here forever," Pope said, pushing his head in between JJ and John B.

John B reached back and pushed Pope away at his comment. He scowled at John B, fixing the collar of his blue sweatshirt. "Never doubted you for a second, John B," I patted him on the shoulder. Kiara opened the right door of the Twinkie with Sarah, me, and Pope following after her. JJ and John B joined the rest of us outside the Twinkie.

I pointed towards a pathway to the right of the van. Sarah set a hand on my shoulder as she stepped over a large puddle of murky looking water. We walked in a line with JJ at the front of the group, stating that he was the most experienced in wooded areas like these. "Alright, so word to the wise, definitely know that gators nest back here so keep your eyes peeled, okay? You don't wanna step on mama gator. That's the last thing you want to have happen," he said. "They have nests?" Kiara mumbled, watching her step.

"Where'd you learn that? Animal planet?" I said, more as a joke then it was a statement. "Yeah, I did actually," JJ responded, "All I'm sayin' is you don't' want to be Pat Womack who had her calf chewed off by a gator, right? You know that, right?" Kiara and I exchanged a look, rolling our eyes at my boyfriend's warning. She chuckled and set a hand on my back to let me step in front of her.

JJ grabbed my arm before I could slipped on a large log. I walked alongside him, keeping a close eye on everything around me. Thick trees surrounded the six of us with vines cascading from the thin branches. Crickets and some other insects chirped, filling the air with all sorts of different sounds. Every once and awhile I scrunched up my nose at the disgusting smells that permeated the environment. JJ reached down once he caught sight of a long stick lying on the ground.

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