Chapter Five

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N/Y/H: Nickname you hate

(Next day - outfit 1)

I swung my legs back and forth, kicking the water as it hit my legs. Grey clouds slowly began to roll in which changed our plan a little bit. Luckily, the sun was holding strong, it stayed in the light blue and grey sky. John B and Kie swam in the water ahead of me to test out the drone we had borrowed from the salvage yard while Pope and JJ looked through the camera of the drone. JJ went to touch something on the dashboard, but Pope slapped his hand away. 

"I'm trying to work this thing," Pope said. "God bless geeks, Pope. Truly, man," JJ stated. He looked over Pope's shoulder, watching as Kie and JB waved to the camera attached to the drone. 

"What would we do without you to control the drones?" I said and glanced up at Pope who rolled his eyes. JJ walked over, standing behind me with his arms resting on the wooden railing. "It's not a drone, it's an ROV," Pope corrected. John B and Kie rose up, treading water to keep them afloat. 

Pope continued to steer the drone around, testing the waters forsay. "Hey, once we get footage of the wreck we'll bring it to a lawyer in town and file a formal claim," John B said, waving his arms around underneath the surface of the water. "It's bullshit. Why do we have to do that?" JJ remarked with his usual level of sarcasm. He ducked underneath the railing and sat beside me, dipping his feet into the blue water. 

"Well, there is the maritime salvage law," I said and looked at him but he just shrugged his shoulders. Pope finished up with the drone and stepped over to stand behind JJ and I. "You can't just go to the ocean floor and scoop a bunch of stuff up," Pope said, adding onto my sentence. JJ began to complain about how long it was going to take and how expensive lawyers are, which I don't blame him.

I fixed the towel underneath me so both of us sat on the white and blue colored towel. Pope stepped over to the drone, moving it around the water some more. "As soon as they see the footage, they'll work for a comp," John B said. "How do you know all of that?" Kie asked him, turning her head slightly. "'Cause my dad said it, like, a million times," he replied. "That's valid," she said. Kiara swam over to the metal ladder. 

JJ and I stood up from the dock so I could grab a towel for Kie. JJ handed me my backpack from beside him. I sent him a smile before handing Kie an extra towel. "This tether is really long. In the wrong weather, it could get pushed around," Pope informed.

"Then we'll go at dead calm," I suggested with a shrug of my shoulders. Kie grabbed the towel from me and wrapped it around her shoulders after drying off her hair a little bit. A couple seconds passed by until thunder rumbled in the distance. "At slack tide?" Kie offered, slipping on her rubber sandals. She set a hand on my shoulder to balance herself when putting her shoes on. 

"So now, we just gotta wait around for the right weather," Pope said, "And today is not that day." He glared at the clouds as they rolled in. As if he could control the weather.


(Later- outfit 2)

(Start Song)

Fishing poles rested against the small wooden pillars on the dock outside my house. Wires hung from the tips with pieces of bait dangling from the bottom of the fishing wire. My dad and Ward Cameron were to go fishing this afternoon. Lately, they've been hanging out a little too much; which never happens but who cares. Rose and Lynn went out shopping for Midsummers which was coming up. Luckily, I had already picked out my dress. Like every year, I was forced to go.

Believe me, I did have fun; but that's only because I'd sneak JJ in or hang with Kie the whole time which was more fun than hanging out with a bunch of Kooks. You'd think they'd enjoy my presence, but I guess being a Pogue and a Kook doesn't help with my 'social status'. 

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