Chapter Twenty-Two

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Trigger Warning: Homophobia, Use of the F-slur (I put an asterisk between the letters but it's still there).

"You guys fucking killed it tonight!" MJ cheered. "Destroyed the stage sef! Omo!"

Ada smiled. It was a good night. The concert was over, the after-party was just clearing out and, for the first time I months, she actually felt okay; MJ was sober and she didn’t have to baby sit his ass all night, she had fun and Jamee had even cracked a smile more than once.

MJ was right, it had been an amazing show, probably her best Jorəʊmi concert. The band had more sponsors now and the label was confident in the success so they threw enough money on special effects and props which paid off nicely.

"We were amazing, weren't we?" Naomi asked with a shy smile.

Ada laughed. How someone who sang in front of hundreds of people one minute could become a blushing mess the next was beyond her. MJ reached a hand back and her smile widened. It was a really good night. Ada put her hand in his and he immediately intertwined their fingers.

"PDA! Disgusting!" Jamee shouted walking into the suite. MJ promptly flipped her off while Ada ducked behind him to hide the blush staining her face. “You guys should just get married.”

“Shut up, J,” he replied without removing his hand from hers which only made Ada blush harder. The only times MJ usually wasn’t shy about being seen with her like that was when he was too high to care.

Jamee ignored him and flopped down on the sofa. "Your fan boys were very nice,” she said to Naomi. 

Naomi chuckled. “They were. Irekan and--” 


Naomi nodded and blew out a breath. “We have fan boys. Wow.” 

“It’s funny because that one time a dude threw himself on stage and begged you to marry him,” Mathew pointed out.

“That’s different!”

Ada tuned out their ensuing squabbling and turned to look at Jameelah. Her best friend was shaking her head at the two idiots fighting, a small smile played on her lips. She seemed different, better—more the Jamee she knew and loved and less the empty shell of a person that had been around the past year.

MJ pulled her closer to himself, close enough to whisper ‘I'll behave tonight. I promise,’ into her ear.

Ada was full on beaming then, it was a really good night.


"I'll be late for physics."

That was the last thing Irekan said right before he ran away from Nosa like he had been set on fire. Nosa sat under the tree alone, staring at his retreating form. 

He’d messed up. He’d messed up badly.

The day Irekan wanted to talk about his past, Nosa didn't let him. He’d been scared back then. 'You don't have to tell me anything,' he’d said. 'We're fine the way we are. Don't complicate things,' those were his exact words and Irekan had respected them. Now he was the one reaching into the closet looking for skeletons to pull out.

Nosa stood up and brushed the grass off the bum of his pants. He should apologize, make things right again. So what he knew Irekan once had a twin? It was no big deal. He didn't need to know what had happened, he didn't need to know the dark details of his friends past. They could watch anime and share music and pet Uvo and everything would be alright again. 

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