Chapter Twenty

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The clouds were heavy but Nosa couldn't smell the rain. The moon was hiding behind the clouds, peeking through them once in a while to shine its rays down on the empty road.

It reminded him of a night not that long ago where he was feeling so many things all at once and Irekan helped him work through them only for him to start feeling other things. Things he swore he’d ignore

Nosa's head was throbbing and he felt like it was weighed down by bricks, but still, he remembered. He remembered Irekan's wide smile and that wild laugh that held nothing back. Irekan singing to an alternative rock song as he drove down Airport Road, looking like a cliché in those sunglasses of his. Irekan soothing Uvo. Irekan reading his favorite books. 

He could see every moment in crystal clear detail, could feel every emotion that came along with them, even the not so pleasant ones.

Then Nosa remembered the moments that led up to him running; the flashing white light, the orange glow of a fire and the smell of burning diesel. Irekan on the cold asphalt. The metallic taste of blood in his mouth and the fear lodged in his throat.

Nosa fell to his knees and wept.


Irekan regarded Nosa with warm brown eyes. His gaze held no judgment, just genuine worry. Lightening flashed, followed by another rumble of thunder. Irekan looked skyward.

"It's about to rain," He murmured. 

Nosa shifted his weight from one foot to the other and remained quiet. 

Irekan looked at him again. "What exactly bothers you? Is it that your sister has a girlfriend? That she's Sapphic?"

Nosa felt his face morph into a look of despair. "I don't even know what that word means," He said, more to himself than Irekan.

Irekan took a step closer to him. "So what your sister likes girls? There’s nothing wrong with that and the Earth will keep spinning. There are bigger things to worry about."

Nosa shook his head slowly. "I just—I thought I knew her but it turns out that I don't."

Nosa had known Egho his entire life. She was his sister for God’s sake! And it’s not like they weren’t close. She always had his back and he always had hers so how come he didn’t know that she was gay? That she was… Sapphic? How come she didn’t tell him anything? How come Ehi, four and a half year old Ehi, noticed something before he did? Was he not trustworthy enough? Was he a bad brother?

The corners of Irekan's mouth twitched. "Did I change when you found out I'm gay? Am I a different person now that you know?" 

"You're Irekan."

Irekan laughed now. They were outside, it was late, and Nosa's emotions were in turmoil but Irekan laughed because he couldn't help but laugh. It made Nosa feel a bit better. 

"What's that supposed to mean?" Irekan asked on a laugh. 

"You've always been gay!" Nosa explained desperately. "You've always been you." Ever smiling, always laughing, often annoying Irekan. 

"She's always been Egho too." Irekan said, gently. "And she'll always be Egho."

"But—but… I don't understand."

Irekan took another step towards him so now they were standing in the same small circle. "You don't have to understand. She doesn’t need you to understand and you don’t have to break your brain pondering on this. Some boys like boys, some girls like girls, some people like all, some people like all but sleep with none. It’s not rocket science," He shrugged. "Not everything is black and white. Don't hurt yourself thinking about it, just let it happen."

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