
Start from the beginning

What a showoff.

I search his drawers for any money, but all I found were rubbers. Disgusting. I find his sock drawer and I take a pair out. He took my shoes off, and I'm looking forward to protecting my feet as much as I can.

These are pretty thick, thankfully.

This is ridiculous. Socks aren't gonna be any good when I step on glass. I have to watch my steps.

Why does he have to take my shoes anyway? Those things are three years old and definitely have a bit of mold in them. They're my school shoes, I don't see how they would affect his precious room.

I don't find anything useful at all, so, I climb out the window with his white socks, feeling little to no remorse for them. As i lifted my other leg over the windowsill, i slip whilst trying to grab onto the window, and i fall off it with a yelp. I can tell the hedges didnt help much because I could feel stinging on the bare skin of my side caused by one of the sharp branches that where hiding between the soft leaves. Once i stood up, i checked it out and sure enough, there's a gnarly scratch smiling cheekily back at me. Thankfully, that was all the damage that had been done. I look around, there's no signs of the Beef jerky. Finally, some good news.

I know better than those horror movies where the main character wanders around the house for whatever weapon but then she gets caught, so i start jogging to whichever direction my Eeny, meeny, miney, moe chose. Just for the sole purpose of damaging his things, i deside to walk on the lawn with his socks. I'd thought of stepping in mud but i don't want to walk around with muddy feet, so wet lawn is my second best option. The cold breeze brushing my skin, reminding me of my skateboard. The one I left at school, I think. I don't remember. It could be in my locker. I'm not about to lose it.

I accidentally step into some water next to the curb, making me recall the so called mission of mine to destroy the heck out of these socks but having to feel the disgusting feeling of them now on me is so not worth it. I groan in annoyance, almost cry out, shaking my foot and I continue walking faster.

I spot a few pedestrians walking on the other side of the sidewalk and a few ideas pop in my mind. I cross the road, walking up to them and hoping I don't look crazy enough to scare them off but desperate enough to cause them to halt. "Hey, hey! Wait!" I pant loudly to get anyone's attention.

Someone does indeed halt, looking at me weirdly. "Excuse me?" She asks, holding her vhin up high like she was looking at a rat. Doubt i looked far from one, but still, why does she look somewhat disgusted by me? With her dark brown hair and her bold red lips, she looked like someone who belongs on a red carpet. She also pulls off her rather formal attire, especially in such a non-formal looking town. Who is this lady and why do I feel kind of intimidated by her with only a few seconds of meeting her?

She gives me a bit of a stink eye with her blue and green orbs. She has a little slash across her eye, causing me to ogle her more than I already am. It's nude, so she must be covering it up with makeup, which means she insecure about it and I should now stop scaring the poor woman, so I finally croak out my response. She totally just made me forget why i was here for a few seconds there.

"I'm sorry for bothering you. I really am, but I'm lost. I just need to make a call. I don't know it here." I shake my head, looking around. She nods and reluctantly reaches into her black purse. She's wearing a matching black tight fitting dress that reaches mid thigh with a slit to her upper thigh. It doesn't have sleeves but it has a turtle neck, complementing her figure.

Her rich brown hair shines under the postlamp above us as she hands me her phone. "Thank you." I smile genuinely in spite of her questionable looks.

I start typing in Levi's phone number, but then it pops up on its own. As if he was already saved in there. Does he know her? I press on him name "Levi Kingston". I look up at the lady, but she's looking elsewhere.

Why does she have Levi in her contacts?

Of all the people in the world, she has him in her contacts and she's in the other half of town, basically. Dl they know each other or something? If so, I'll have a rather long discussion with Levi about his questionable taste in friends. This woman had be asking myself if i really was a rat for a few seconds there and all she had said was 'excuse me'.

I have a really bad feeling about this. My gut is screaming at me but I'm not sure why. I just know my gut is always right. I've been through enough to know how to trust my gut.

I take a few steps away from her, turning around for privacy. He picks up after a while. "What now?" He sounds pissed off, like he'd known I will be the one on the other line.

Or he was just talking to that lady not long ago...

"Alex." I don't know why i said his middle name, but, again, my gut and all. It tells me this woman cannot kind out whom I'm talking to for some reason.

Levi goes dead silent, as if he recognised my voice instantly. "Blaire?" He says after a minute. "Is that you, Blaire? This better not be a joke or I swear to god-"

"Alex! It's me." I whisper into the phone, eager for him to stop shouting in my ear like an idiot.

He goes silent again, only his heavy breathing audible. "Where are you? Why haven't you been answering the phone? Why are you calling me from this phone?" He starts firing questions at me. This phone. So he does know whoever she is.

"I'm fine, I just lost my phone. I'm using someone else's. Some lady I found on the street. But I have no idea which street." I look around for anything that could pinpoint where i am. "There's a huge tree next to this repair shop for shoes."

"Dear god." I hear him breath deeply. "Well, isn't that just legendary. I didn't know big trees existed in California." Levi mocks me, exasperated slightly.

"Alexander this is serious!"

"Like heck it is, Im going to need you to be a but more specific, Angel. " I could practically see the eyeroll. This is the first time he's talked to me since our kiss, he doesn't sound upset with me. He sounds like the Levi I've grown to like. My heart skips a beat.


I am just a delightful roller-coaster, aren't I?

"I don't know, this is a lot of pressure. I don't know where I am." I almost squeal when someone passes by me, a bit too close. "I'm lost." I breathe into the phone.

His voice is a lot softer now. "It's alright. How about you tell me the name of the repair shop, hmm?"

I ignore the swell he caused in my heart and I turned and looked at the repair shop. "It's Marty's. It's a repair shop for shoes and it has a red and white icon of a shoe on the window. Is that helpful?" I ask, genuinely curious as to how much more information he needs. Maybe he does know this place, just like he knows this peculiar lady.

"Yes, it is. What street?" He inquires, I hear shuffling in the background.

I try to look for any signs that say which street I'm in but I can't find any, so I ask the lady.

"Broad Street." She says.

"In Broad Street." I say into the phone to Levi.

"How did you even get there? this street is like an hour away from the school." Hid voice is coated with suspicion.

"Stop talking and come pick me up, I'm waiting and I'm scared as shit. Bye." I hang up. I delete Levi's name from the recent calls so she can't check, and i turn around, handing the lady her phone back. "Thanks again, for your help." I smile, ignoring the little snear she has on her face as she takes the phone from me with the tips of her fingers. "Sure." She says before stalking away with her high heels clinking on the concrete ground.

I walk deeper into the street with careful steps, hugging myself to shield me from the somewhat cold and forgien wind. I stand in between two buildings, in case unwanted people approach. I stay close enough for Marty's to be in view, though.

And I wait for him.

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