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That's the two new characters, the image keeps disappearing so if it's not there comment it and I'll put it again.



I get startled when I feel something slam right in front of me. I straighten my posture and look up at the rude personal space invader. Yes, three feet away from me is still personal space in my world. I squint my eyes, the sun shining from the window is making me see a faint blue hue in my vision as my eyes try to focus on the dark silhouette that's blocking the sun from swallowing me whole.

"Wake up sleepy head. Class is over." I hear the silhouette say. I rub my eyes with the confusion taking over my face on how familiar the voice is and yet I cannot distinguish it. I crack my eyes open only to see Lando standing in front of me, arms folded with a smirk of his face.

"What time is it?" I say, yawning like a hippopotamus waiting for his daily dose of watermelon.

I stand up with my head hanging low. I'm still trying to adjust to the fact that I'm awake. It's takes me quite a while every time.

"Eleven something am. You're lucky you slept the whole session. That shit was boring. Your fall was fantastic, though." He laughs, his shoulders bobbing a bit whilst gathering my stuff for me. I stretch my back, seeing this as an opportunity I can't miss. I twist my torso the other way while my body faces Lando. Twisting and cracking my back like one of those flexible rulers you find at the local gasoline station.

A baby pink one, because why not?

"You saw that?" I croak after I'm done stretching. I clear my throat after I hear how zombie like I sound.

"You mean who didn't see that. The way you plopped down on the floor was epic. You're lucky no one had their phones or else you'd be on the news" He suppresses a snicker.

I smile a bit, but then remember that that was by far the most embarrassing event today. But who knows, maybe I made someone's day.

"Whatever." I yawn again. "It's just a new thing that will make people laugh for a while. That shouldn't bother anyone. Especially me." I have much bigger things to be concerned about anyway. But he didn't need to know that. Why should I be worried that I made someone smile? That's one of the best things you could do to someone.

"I wasn't telling you to make you feel bad, bee." He messed with my hair that's already a big mess from when I fell off that damn chair.

"Thank you." I breath out, it probably didn't sound genuine. So I added a smile for extra dramatics. "What have we got left?" I ask with casualty, taking my now backed bag from Lando.

"We've got only two more classes. Art and self defense class." He informs mr, fixing my hair that he messed up not two seconds ago. I just know I look like a big, ungroomed gorilla. His hand brushes the top of my head and runs down my cheek before taking a step back to look at the finish result. "Perfect."

I blush a little before shaking my head. Attempting to make it unnoticeable but still knowing it's futile. "By self defense class you mean Mrs Jonas, the maths teacher's wife?" I ask, ignoring his previous comment because if I think about it, I'll get flustered. And also because I know I'm the target of the Jonas family. I need to prepare myself mentally before going to her class. "No Bee, she got kicked out of this school like last week."

"how come I remember her getting a promotion yesterday?" I furrow my eyebrows. I swear I remember someone telling me something about her getting a promotion.

"Nope, yesterday's news was that she got in a car crash, Blaire. She got a promotion to heaven." He snickers with his arm resting easily on my shoulder because he's much taller than me.

Angel Of DawnTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon