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I slam my locker shut, wishing -praying- this class gets over with as fast as possible. I'm not up to spent forty-five minutes of my life in a class with Jake within ten feet in my proximity.

I choose a different route, a much longer one that requires taking at least three laps in the school grounds before I finally reach my class. What a useless day.

Right as I enter the class, I lock eyes with a mischievous looking Jake, hand on one of my classmate's boob, massaging it sneakily like we aren't even in class. My head snaps towards our teacher then i notice he isn't here and everybody is too caught up in their own life to notice. She looks fairly uncomfortable and constantly trying to scoot away from him. But by the looks of it, he has a hold of both her chair and chest. One leg snaked around the leg of the chair and a smuggy smirk mischievously rests on his face as he whispers sweet nothings to the ear of the clearly non-consensual girl, glancing at me occasionally as if to make me jealous.

I only feel a flare of anger.

This weirdly gives me a sense of déjà vu hits me and I get sudden dizziness. I sway a little, my vision going away for a split second before I clasp the doorframe for support. I shake my head, futile attempt at shaking off the headache in my temples.

My eyes lazily go back to Jake and I take it upon myself to fix this since this shithole of a school won't do anything about it. Teeth clutched in rage, I march up to their desks -which, to no one's surprise, were glued together.

I slam my textbook on his desk, making the poor girl flinch at the suddenness of it and I feel extremely apologetic, but I do not apologise just yet. His head turns to me slowly, as though he knew I would do that. "Good afternoon, pervert." I say with mock enthusiasm, giving him the cheekiest smile I can muster.

His eyes only trail down to the low neck top I'm wearing, clearly checking my chest out as if I weren't staring into his soul right in front of him.

I realize I'm leaning into his desk so I straighten like rod steel, pulling down the tight top I'm wearing. "Get up." I say, grabbing his supplies and throwing them on an empty desk nearby. I turn to him with a little smug smile. "I want to sit and I just so happen to want my seat warm."

He only stares at his stuff on the desk, then back to me. Never uttering a word. He takes out his hand from between the poor girl's breasts and stands up over me, looking down at me with a challenging smirk. I don't back down, I only step closer. He lowers his head down to reach my ears, his hot breath giving me goosebumps on my arms. "Have my seat, baby cakes. But don't expect me to stay silent for long." He says, "Nothing comes for free, even the simplest of things." He pulls away from me. "I won't stay nice for longer. Enjoy my kindness while it lasts." He gives me a one over before walking away to his new desk.

I swallow the fear in my throat, looking around to check if someone saw anything before anxiously turning to Josephine. She's fixing her chair, her cheeks red with heat and I can see the glassing of her eyes. I smile apologetically at her before carefully taking a seat next to her.

"Are you okay, Josie?" I know she isn't okay, yet I ask anyway. Some people find comfort in the knowledge that someone cares.

I should know.

She low-key shakes her head and sniffles silently. "I can't do anything about it." She almost weeps, "if I do, I don't know what he'll do to me." Her lip quiffers, shaking her head and looking down, trying to control her tears. My brows draw together at her words, but I don't question her further about this matter. I only rub her back soothingly, glancing back at the pleased Jake. He clearly sees what he does to girls and he doesn't look like he dislikes it.

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