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Half of this chapter got deleted without my knowledge and now I'm rewriting this.

Just know that, yeah this chapter is by far my favorite, but I wrote it in utter devastation. :D




My eyes slowly crack open and I groggily look around, the first thing i notice is that the ceiling looks the same.

Good to know.

It's so dark here, I don't see any light in my peripherals. None at all, it's pitch black. It must be late. After a minute in the dark, my eyes adjust and i can make out the shape of a few things. Like the fact that I'm still at the bottom of the staircase. Fan-freaking-tastic.

I remember that awkward position I landed in and I want to move, but even the thought of it is painful.

I groan audibly as I move my twisted arm from behind my back, its been in that position since this morning, I'll be lucky if it isnt broken. I wince when I feel my head throbbing harder than before i blacked out. I pull out my arm quickly to avoid any more movements, as soons as my arm is free, i feel blood rushing in my veins. My arm had been completely twisted in ordered to stop the blood from flowing through it.

My other hand goes up to my head, as if holding my head would ease the ache. I put on my tough girl britches and swallow the pain. I just need to be tough enough to brace for the pain in my limbs. I lift up my head to look down at the position I'm in. My eyes widen when I see my dress had arose and my red underwear a little exposed.

Oh God, how long have I been laying like this?

My cheeks flush. I support my body with the arm that didn't get much damage from the occurrence that happened about...I don't even know how long the duration is.

I quickly move to cover myself up, but because I'm a stupid idiot, I use the hand that was supporting my body. Which in return, results in my body falling back to the floor with a loud thud. I'm unaware of my body, like it doesn't belong to me. Things don't just happen automatically, i have to do everything manually now. A wave of pain rushes inside of me on impact, i should've known that would happen. Now what does that tell you? That I'm an idiot.

I grunt whilst grabbing the end of my dress and I toss it forward to cover whatever it could reach. feeling the fabric fall on the beginning of my thigh, I sigh in relief.

Wait, what time is it?

I look up, having to crane my neck backwards to see the wall clock above the front door. 2:48 am.

Another sigh of relief escapes my lips and my head goes back to the decently comfortable position I was in previously. It's only been almost nine hours. I'll consider this a nice nap despite how crushed my body feels.

Lucky for me, my father chose a splendid place to knock me unconscious. Thankfully, I landed in front of the front door right in perfect position where if a stranger looked through the glass part of the door, they would be able to see me laying on the floor with my legs bare like a chicken. My father just grumbled some curse words and walked off. Nothing too bad I guess.

Although the 'my dress lifted up whilst my mind was in another alternate universe' part wasn't my brightest moment.

Deciding that it's enough laying on the ground for today, I sit up at a snail's speed. I bend my knees and hug them close with one hand while the other grabs the railings and use them as a helping hand. I bite down on my bottom lip so I won't make any audible noises, and with every ounce of willpower I have in my crushed body, I lift myself up.

Angel Of DawnOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz