Ryan's surprise to you for your 1 year anniversary of being together

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It's been a year since you've been living in Haven Springs and since you and Ryan have been together. The past year, you've heard nothing from Elijah and his friends. All you heard about them is that they got expelled from your old college and got their scholarships taken away, according to your friends. The other thing that happened for the past year is you've been still taking photography online classes and you've been getting better and better at photography and editing your photos. You've even made your own website and a lot of people have been showing love and support for your career and you've been making money from photography. You've also been invited to a lot of photography galleries and meet a lot of famous photographers and many more famous people. Ryan gave you the idea of building your own photography gallery in Haven so when visitors come by and they can see how talented you are. Your mother has been visiting you a lot of times since she misses you all the time. Today is your and Ryan's first anniversary of dating and today is also the Spring Festival. You were in the bedroom getting ready and Ryan was waiting for you in the living room and he was wearing a nice plaid red shirt, like he normally wears.

Ryan: *he's sitting on the couch in the living room while he is waiting for you*

(Your name): *you're still in the bedroom and you're ready to go to the Spring Festival, you say this while you're in the bedroom* "Ryan, I'm ready. Are you ready to see how I look?"

Ryan: "I'm ready whenever you are."

(Your name): "I'm coming." *you come out of the bedroom, you're wearing a short red sequin dress, red heels to match your dress, your hair is up in a formal bun, you're also wearing red makeup to match your outfit, you were also wearing red crystal stud earrings*

Ryan: *he stands up from the couch as he sees you and he is completely speechless, he has a big smile on his face*

(Your name): "So, what do you think?" *you asked with a smile on your face*

Ryan: *he is still speechless* "(Your name)... you look absolutely beautiful! Very stunning..." *he smiles lovingly at you and he takes your hands in his hands*

(Your name): *you blush and giggle as Ryan says that and you say this to flirt with him* "You're not so bad yourself, Mr. Ranger." *you smirk as you say that*

Ryan: *he chuckles and blushes as you say that* "Happy anniversary, babe."

(Your name): "Happy anniversary to you too, honey." *you smile lovingly at him*

Ryan: "I can't believe it's been a year since we started dating."

(Your name): "Me either. And to think of it, before we started dating, I had a big crush on you when I first met you and set my eyes on you." *you giggle*

Ryan: *he blushes as you say that* "I could say the same thing for when I had a big crush on you when I first met you." *he winks at you*

(Your name): *you blush and you giggle as Ryan winks at you* "I love you, baby boy." *you smile lovingly at him*

Ryan: "I love you too, baby girl." *he smiles lovingly at you*

(Your name): *you smile as you hear him say that he loves you, you lean in to kiss him*

Ryan: *he leans in as well and he kisses you as his lips touch your lips*

(Your name): *you kiss Ryan back, you lay one of your hands on his cheek*

Ryan: *he lays his hand on your cheek back as you do it to him*

(Your name): *you slowly pull away from the kiss several seconds later and you smile at Ryan*

My mountain man (Ryan x female reader story) - Life is Strange: True ColorsWhere stories live. Discover now