I hear Liam's voice suddenly and turn to see him entering the room in Ciara's arms. He instantly starts crying as soon as he sees me.

"I missed you too baby", I take him into my arms, hugging his soft little body close to me for comfort.

"I had to bring him with me", Ciara states as she caresses his back while he clings to me. "He was crying too much."

"I'm glad you brought him", I thank her. "I needed him too. Thank you Ciara."

"Your clothes are in the bag and I brought food as well", she continues while looking around. "Leo must be hungry. Poor thing is already sleeping."

She walks towards him to wake him to eat while I keep hugging Liam. I have missed him so much. He literally has my whole heart and to think that I could have died without even holding him for a last time, has me crying silently.

"Dada", he cries while looking at his father.

"Dada is sleeping my love", I sniff and kiss his little head. "He is tired."

"Let me take him so that you can change your clothes", Ciara offers to take him but he starts crying again. He wraps his little arms more tightly around my neck.

"It's okay", I pat his back. "I'll keep him with me."

I take the bag of clothes and enter the washroom with Liam. Atleast, with him being with me, I can get a little comfort. My mind will remain distracted from the paranoia of being watched. I make him sit over the counter.

"Sit here for a while for me okay", I drop another kiss on his head to assure him that I am right here with him.

"Mama", he claps his little hand and my heart soars at his word.

"I love you", I kiss him again and he laughs.

I change my clothes quickly, trying not dwell on my fear and honestly with Liam speaking in his own language to me, I don't think much about anything else apart from the fact that he is speaking to me. When I'm done, I pick him up and return in the room to see Leo still sleeping.

"He is too tired to even eat", Ciara claims and looks at him with pity.

"He sure is", I murmur and take a seat besides Stefan's bed.

Liam lays quietly on my chest while looking at his father and just like that we all spend the night together, waiting for Stefan to open his eyes.

It's already been two days since Stefan's operation. The news of him being shot is all over the papers and news along with Ana and Cara being the main culprits. Esme was in hysterics when Ciara called her. She was ready to leave her cruise trip immediately when she heard the news but upon speaking with the doctor, she felt some relief and will be here in a few days.

While time is going by, I am just waiting for Stefan to wake up. I miss his blue eyes terribly. This has been the longest two days of my life. Ciara and Leo has taken Liam for a walk while I stay back. With the painkillers that the nurses has been giving me, I feel drowsy all the time. This time, I decide to just lay my head beside Stefan's hand and take a little nap.

A while later, my eyes flutter open when I feel a hand caressing my head. I lift my head gently from the bed, afraid that I am probably dreaming and look at the warmest blue gaze.

"Hey beautiful", he smiles weakly.

"Stefan", I hold his hand quickly. "You're up. How are you feeling? I'm going to call the doctor"

Before I can get up, he gives my hand a tug and tries to pull me closer to him.

"I love you", he confesses softly.

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