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Camilla pov:

"THAT'S NOT FAIR!" I yelled at my younger cousin.
"THAT'S CHEATING!"I yelled again.

"IS NOT!" Cole yelled back at me.


"Well rule number one: don't trust him." Abby stated casually.

Noted. Don't ever trust him again.

I sat back down on the purple bean bag with a 'huff'.

He doesn't play fair...

"Do you guys wanna play truth or dare?" Lily asked.

"Whyyyyy?" Leo whined.

" 'Cause."

"We always play truth or dare!" Cole joined in on the whining.

"Exactly! And now we have Cam to play along." Lily stated.

The boys groaned while the girls cheered for Lily.

In the few hours I have been with them, I can tell that Lily always gets her way. No one tells her no.

" I'll begin." Lily chirped happily.  "Ruby." She turned her head to look at her. "Truth or dare."


"Okay. We'll start easy. Who do you like?" Lily asked in anticipation.

Ruby's cheeks turned red.

She's blushing.

"Umm. Vhian." She said in a whisper so soft that if everyone wasn't listening in anticipation, you wouldn't have heard her.

Lily and Abby's eyes went wide.

"The guy in my class!?" Lily exclaimed.

"No way." Abby muttered.

"Your joking, right?" Cole said.

"He's a player, Rubs!" Leo also exclaimed.

I listened intensely to the conversation. I forgot how it felt to just sit around and gossip with your friends. Or in my case, cousins.

"There is no way you'll ever date him! Ever." Cole said sternly to his sister.

Ruby turned to me. "What do you think about the situation, Cam?" She asked.

To be honest...

I got no idea.

"Don't look at me!" I said exaggerating my sentance.
"I'm literally the last person you should ask about dating advice." I argued.

I really do suck at it.

"Anyways. Moving on. Leo. Truth or dare." Ruby asked her older cousin.


Oo, risky man. Real risky.

"Go up and down the ladder of the treehouse ten times." She replied whithout missing a beat.

Leo groaned. "Do you always have to give me physical dares?" He asked irritated.

"Yes." Ruby stated simply.

I like this kid.

"Oo wait! Before you go, pick someone." Abs suggested.

"Cam, truth or date. Dare. I meant to say dare. I swear." Leo said panicked.

I giggled at him and waved him off.

There was no way in hell that I was picking dare. Not after what Ruby made Leo do.

The ladder is like 20 meters long!

The poor kid.

"How did you go missing?"

Everyone immediately started scolding Leo for his words.

I'm not going to lie. I'm a little suprised that he asked me that. No one has asked me that. Ever.

"It's fine, guys." I told them.
"I'm fine with telling you guys."

Leo did not hesitate to sit back down on his bean bag.
"Hey!" Lily scolded. "You still need to do your dare!"

"Fuck you. I don't need to do anything you say."

My cousins were shocked at Leo's words. Cole was the first to say something.

"Well, someone is getting brave." He said sarcastically.

Leo rolled his eyes.

I began talking.

"It all started when my mom met my dad. They fell in love and decided to do this thing called se-" Cole interrupted me. "We don't need to know that part. How 'bout you start telling from when you where born." He said quickly.

"My, uhhh, 'parents' didn't want another child and decided to tell everyone that I had died in the womb." I started again. "There was a woman at the hospital who couldn't have any children of her own and decided to take, wel more like kidnap, me. I lived with them for two years before it all went to shit.?"

I took a deep breath before continuing.

"My so called 'mother' died when I was two. My 'father' blamed her death on me and started hitting me. That is all you need to know about that subject for now. When I turned three I was taken into foster care where I lived my life until my brothers found me about three months ago."
I finished my story and everyone was quiet.

"Anayways." I said changing the topic. "Abs. Truth or dare?"

She hesitated before talking. "Dare."

"I dare tou to tell me all about your schools' gossip!"
And just like that she started telling me all the drama and gossip.

It wasn't long before everyone was laughing at the silly stories.

It was hectic.

Apparently there was a girl who chucked a pie into their math teachers' face, a boy who took over the schools' intercoms for five minutes before getting caught, two teachers hooking up with eacother even though they are both married. They think the principle is in a gang, along with the P.E. teacher. There is girls who try to give themselves and their friends 'tatoos' with permanent markers in the bathrooms. The boys try to colour their hair with sharpies and highlighters. The school thinks that my little cousins are apart of the mafia, wich isn't wrong. Except for the fact that I don't know if they know about the mafia.

We played a few more rounds of truth or dare. We laughed and danced to some songs before we went to bed. None of us bothered to go back to my house in the middle of the night, so we just stayed in the treehouse.

I mean... It is 2 a.m. though...

I'm sure it will be fine.

Wont it?

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