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2 weeks later

summer has been fun so far!

at the moment.. i am with mattia, april, devin, sean, kai, rob, ale and alvaro.

we were at the fair playing games and we were all having a good time.

i then got this sudden urge that i needed to throw up.

"fuck mattia, i have to throw up." i said.

"what? why?!" he said.

"i don't know, we have to go!" i said, running to the nearest bathroom.

once i got there, i went into a stall and threw up. fuck i felt so bad.

i was sweating and i was beginning to look pale, i walked out the stall and looked at myself in the mirror. i took a deep breath and i rinsed my mouth out.

i walked out the bathroom and my whole group was waiting for me.

"you okay baby?" mattia said, putting him arm around me.

"mhm." i lied.

april pulled me aside and started talking to me.

"girl, what's going on?" she said.

"bro i don't know, i just threw up." i said.

"holy shit, what color was it?" she said.

"yellow.. why does that matter?" i fussed.

"oh my god.." she said, putting her hand over her mouth.

"what is it?!" i said frantically,

"you might be pregnant." she said, looking directly at me.

once she said that, my heart dropped to my stomach. i knew it mattia didn't fucking pull out last time. i regret this so fucking much.

i started to cry but april hugged me.

"we are going to get through this.. okay?" she said looking at me, i nodded wiping off my tears.

we walked back over to our group, april and i acted like nothing was wrong.

"wanna come home with me?" mattia asked, not gonna lie i was pretty pissed off but i needed to talk to him about this.

"sure." i sighed.

we all said goodbye to our group and mattia and i went back to his place.

the car ride to his house was pretty normal, but i didn't say anything to him.

once we got there, i said hello to his mom, dad and little brother who were all in the living room watching TV.

we went down to mattias room which was in the basement.

i flopped on his bed, taking a big sigh. mattia crawled on top of me.

"mattia, not right now." i said, pushing him off of me.

"you have been moody this whole day, what's wrong?" he said.

"can i just talk to you?" i said, he nodded.

i sat up and repositioned myself.

"the night you came and slept over my house.. we had sex, right?" i said.

"mhm." he nodded.

"did you pull out.. when you came?" i asked.

"yes, i did.. why this convo all of a sudden?" he asked confusingly.

i opened my phone and went to my calendar, i noticed i was supposed to get my period a week ago.. but i never did.

"mattia.. i was supposed to get my period last week.." i said as i was breathing heavily.

he finally realized what i was trying to say and he gasped.

i started to sob and think about what i have just done.

"you fucking lied to me mattia." i said, getting off the bed and gathering my stuff.

"no no no, it's not the like that!" he said, running after me.

"then what is like, hm?" i said.

"i thought-"

"yeah.. you THOUGHT mattia." i said cutting him off.

"mena, i am sorry." he said.

"sorry can't undo the fact that there is going to be a human in my fucking stomach for the next 9 months." i said.

i left his room and headed upstairs.

"it was nice having you me- wait.. are you okay?!" mattia mom said.

i didn't say a word to her, unlocked the front door and began to walk home.

once i got to the front of my house, i dried off my tears and walked inside.

"hey mija, how was the fair?" she smiled.

"it was good mama!" i fake smiled.

after i said that, i headed upstairs, through all my stuff down and sat down at my desk.

i began to text april.

my girl <3

hey, can you come to cvs with me to get a pregnancy test?

of course! when?

in about 15 minutes?

sure, js text me when you're on your way!
you liked this message

i set my phone down and headed to my bathroom that was inside my room.

i took off my makeup and changed into sweats and a cropped top with a zip up hoodie.

i brushed my hair and put it into a claw clip, i put on my crocs and some chapstick, grabbed my keys, phone and headed downstairs.

"mama, i am going to aprils house. i will text you when i am on my way back home." i said, giving her a hug and a kiss.

i texted april that i was on my way to her house. once she said okay, i pulled off of my driveway and was on my way to aprils.


866 words.

𝐅𝐀𝐊𝐄 𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄 ~ Mattia PolibioWhere stories live. Discover now