im so sorry.

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i sat next to him because julian usually sat next to me.

"hey mattia!" i said putting down my backpack and sitting next to him.

"oh hey ximena! were you alright yesterday?" he questioned.

"yeah, i was good." i softly said.

he started moving his head closer to my cheek then he realized the slap julian had given me on the side of my cheek.

"woah mena.. what happened?" he asked, moving my hair to the side to examine my cheek.

when he touched my hair, that lowkey gave me butterflies.

julian's never done that to me.

i thought.

i answered back with "oh i just have sensitive skin, it's nothing big." i fake laughed.

he nodded and took his hand off my cheek, after some time. class had started.
it was the end of school and i noticed everyone was in a certain section in the building.

then i noticed april running up to me.

"BIIIIITCH, that mattia kid just got his shit rocked!!!" she said.

"what?? by who?? why????" i said rushing to get to him already.

"your fucking crazy ass psychotic boyfriend beat his ass because that little fucking snitch alejandro told julian you were talking to him this morning." she explained.

those mothafuckas.

i thought to myself.

i ran to the east hall and everyone was gathered around in a group.

"excuse me!" i said to everyone.

they moved aside and oh my god..
there laid a young boy, with a bloody face, a bloody shirt and bloody hands.

"mattia! are you okay?" i said kneeling down, everyone looking at us with there phones out.

"i-i'm f-fine. go before julian comes back." he said, barely being able to speak.

"forget him. im not just going to leave you sitting here." i said, tears practically about to form in my eyes.

i don't know why though, i didn't even like mattia nor have i known him for long enough. my parents have always told me i was a genuine person.

i helped mattia up and we started making our way to the bathroom, keep in mind everyone was still looking.

"and where do you think you're going?" i heard someone say. the moment of realization, i knew it was julian barboza.

"julian, enough. i cant do this anymore!" i yelled in front of everyone, i turned around and continued walking with mattia.

"mena.. you go with him, and we're fucking done." he said.

all you heard was everyone gasp.

i stopped and my tears just came rushing. i told myself 'don't give in, he's not worth it'

i turned around and said "fuck you julian."

mattia and i finally made to the bathroom and i sat him down against the wall.

he had a swollen eye, busted lip and a bruised rib, possibly broken.

i pulled out a first aid kit that i kept in my backpack (don't even ask)

i started to clean up his eye and lip. he looked so out of it but shoot, i would be too.

"im so sorry." i softly said.

i started to think about everything at the moment, i dropped the cleaning tools and i just sat there and looked at mattia. tears started to weld up in my eyes.

"are you okay?" mattia said, putting his hand on my cheek.

after he said that, i just started breaking down.

he hugged me and of course i hugged back, something about mattia made me feel safe. his touch and everything made me feel okay.

i let go of him and we made eye contact
i could feel something about to spark but i couldn't resist it.
i kissed him on the lips, i kissed the mattia polibio on my lips.

i frantically grabbed all my stuff, breathing heavily saying "i gotta go."

i ran out the bathroom and went into the parking lot, i got in my car and i sat there.

what have i just done.

i thought to myself

i drove home and once i got home, i ran straight into my room.

i felt my heart rate starting to get higher and my breathing was increasing, i think i was having a panic attack. my mom knocked on my door.

"mena honey, can i come in?" she said softly.

"y-yes." i said.

i was sitting in the corner of my room, with my elbows on my knees trying to catch my breathe.

"que pasa amor?" she said with a worried tone.

translation: what's the matter love

"es solo julia" i said wiping away my left over tears.

"mija te he hablado de ese chico, no es bueno y va a seguir haciéndote sentir así. tienes que romper con él." my mom said walking over to me and picking me up from the ground

translation: mija i've told you about that boy, he's no good and is going to continue to make you feel like this. you need to break up with him.

i nodded my head and hugged my mom, she slowly rubbed my back and i cried onto her soldier.

"don't cry mija, you're worth so much more." she said.

"i know mama, i hate that i let him get under my skin." i said.

"then you show him. show him that you don't care about his words or action." she said, pulling me off of her and looking me in the eyes.

i nodded. she wiped my tears.

"i love you mena." she said.

"i love you more mami." i said with a grin on my face.

she smiled back at me, close my door and then left.


943 words.

𝐅𝐀𝐊𝐄 𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄 ~ Mattia PolibioWhere stories live. Discover now