my treat.

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after school
it was finally after school and mattia came running up to me.

"my treat.. let me take you out right now." he said with a smile on his face. i smiled too.

"awee mattia, where would we even go though?" i said.

"shhh can't tell ya!" he giggled.

i hugged him and we held hands, i ignored everyone and carried on.

we went out to the student parking area and he opened his door for me, i smiled and got in.

i called my mom and told her that i was going out with some friends.

mattia started driving and while he was driving i noticed the familiar road we were on.

he was taking me to alantic city, i've never been since i moved here.

it was very pretty.. tall buildings, pretty lights and a lot more.

"it super pretty here mattia" i said to him.

"i know, thats why i took you here." he smiled at me. i smiled back of course.

he took me to the board walk and we found parking, once we found parking we got out and walked the board walk.

there was a fair on the board walk, mattia and i bought tickets and started playing some of the games they had.

"ooh matti, let's play that one!" i said, pointing to the water gun machine.

he smiled and we walked over there.

"how many people are playing?" the operator said.

"just two!" mattia said.

"alrighty! so goal of the game.. get as much water in the clowns mouth and if the balloon pops, you win!!" the operator said.

"get ready to lose" mattia giggled.

"oh shush!" i laughed.

"on your mark.."

"get set.."


the came shooting out of the gun, i aimed it at the clowns mouth and i was surprising doing doing.

"I AM WINNING!" i cheered.

"now you're not!" mattia said as he started to tickle me with his left hand.. his right keeping control of the gun.

i took my hands off the gun and moved mattias hand away, i started uncontrollably laughing but then i saw that mattia had won.

"ugh.. that's not fair mattia!" i said my laugh now going to a frown.

"good job!! what number?" the operator said, pointing to a whole bunch of teddy bears.

"come here." mattia said, with his hand out guiding me towards him.

i was know in front of him, facing behind him, his hands on my waist.

𝐅𝐀𝐊𝐄 𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄 ~ Mattia PolibioOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz