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author: this chapter i will be switching the pov back and forth between mattia and ximena :)


i was sitting in class.. daydreaming, looking outside the window. a little while after, the announcements came on.

"hey passaic valley high! i'm alejandro.. your speaker for today!.. and im kairi and this our morning announcements for may 4th 2022!"

"don't forget your prom tickets!" alejandro said.

"prom will be on may 25th, the last day of school!" kairi said.

"have a great day, bye!" they both said.

i giggled a little bit, i never thought to hear them both on the announcements together.

after the announements was over the bell had run for everyone to go to second period, i haven't seen mattia since yesterday so i decided to go look for him.

i finally had found him but he looked like he was in a rush.

"hey mattia!" i said.

"hi! ima catch you later real quick?!" he kissed my forehead and ran off with a couple of friends of his.

i furrowed my eyes a bit and didn't think to much of it.. so i just headed to class.

it was finally the end of the school day.. i was getting ready to ask ximena to prom and it wasn't even that.. i was going to ask her if she would be my girlfriend, i was a little nervous but ready.

ale, kai, alvaro, devin and sean helped me make a poster. on one side it said will you go to prom with me? and the other side said will you be my girlfriend?

i was going to show the prom side first and on top of that, i even got her some gifts. i got her a starbucks giftcard, lots of candy, a braclet and teddy bear.

right now i was with devina and kai. "ayo! wheres the rest?" i said to them.

"they comin right now, just wait." devin said.

"you nervous bro?" kairi said, patting mattia on his shoulder.

"a little but we've been talking for like a while now, so everything should be fine." i said.

"finally you fuckers are here!!!" devin said, as ale, alvaro, sean and april came running over to us.

"is mena coming anytime soon april?" he said.

"yeah! i just saw her, she was talking with some friends and she should be walking over here now." she said.

"now?! holy fuck okay well.. everyone hold your positions right now!! and cameras out." alvaro said, making me giggle.

other kids were watching too since i was quote on quote the popular kid and everyone knew me.


𝐅𝐀𝐊𝐄 𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄 ~ Mattia Polibioحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن