use and abuse

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next morning
it was the next day and my body felt so achy. my legs were sore, my back hurts like hell and my neck was being the death of me.

i limped to the bathroom to use it, my legs literally felt like jello.

once i was finished, i washed my hands. i looked at myself in the mirror and noticed dark spots all over my neck.

for some reason, the thought of what was on my neck wasn't coming to my mind.. then i thought about last night. i gasped and ran back to the bed to wake up mattia.

"mattia!" i said in a low soft tone but loud enough voice to where he could here, i shook him and shook him till he finally woke up.

"hm." he said, still half asleep.

"mattia, look what you did!" i said, pointing to my neck.

"oh shit.." he said, sitting up.

"ugh. my dad is going to fucking murder me." i sighed.

"baby, i am sorry." he said, lifting my chin up.

"no mattia, i am actually mad right now." i said, taking his hand off my face.

i got up and went to the bathroom, i looked in the mirror and inspected the hickeys and how i was going to cover them up, all of sudden mattia walked in.

"babe, look.. i am sorry." he said.

"sorry is not going to fucking fix these hickeys." i said.

"we can try and find some solutions to get them off?! you know they aren't permanent you know?" he said.

"oh.. they aren't??" i said, relieved little bit.

"no, dumbo!" he laughed, i felt embarrassed after.

i grabbed my phone and started looking up ways on how to get the hickeys off.

"hmmm we can try a spoon?" i said.

"yeah but that's going to hurt like a bitch." he laughed.

"ugh mattia, you're not making it any better!!" i said.

"wait, can't you just put makeup on it?" he said.

"oh yeah!" i said.

i immediately grabbed my makeup bag and went to work on my neck.

after it was done, it looked like mattias lips were even there to begin with.

"you're never doing this again, EVER." i said as i was putting all my makeup away.

"ugh, you're annoying." he said.

"oh shut up." i scoffed.

i put all my stuff away and called myself an uber.

"you're already going home?" mattia said as he flopped on the bed, i flopped next to him.

𝐅𝐀𝐊𝐄 𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄 ~ Mattia PolibioWhere stories live. Discover now